Volume 2. Chapter 1 ( every volume will start at chapter 1)

"Hi! Welcome back." - Kagami greeted his friend. Danzo only looked at him with dull eyes, nodded in return and went to his room.

"Hm? Just what did Tobirama-sama tell you? Care to share?"

"...Sorry. I cannot. You'll know when the time is right." - After a bit of silence, Danzo answered.

"Eh... Fine, I guess? Good night?"

"Good night."

Danzo laid in in his bed, but couldn't sleep. Tobirama-sama told him about the organisation, its activities and goals. It was perfect for him! However... it is a great responsibility. Will he be able to handle it? When Danzo enquired, why was he chosen, Tobirama-sama said that he was the most suitable. His battle prowess and tactical thinking were on point. Nothing else.

'I'll think about it tomorrow. Yeah... let's do just that...'


"Elder, I just thought about it. We were looking through the history of the entire world that cumulated for thousands upon thousands of years. Just how much time are we here?!" - Why did it never occur to me?! What should I do! I was here for God knows how much time! What are Nii-sans are doing? How are their families?! Did Mito have a baby yet? Did... did they already die?...

'Nonononon! Depression isn't welcomed! Get his answer first!'

"Hm... We didn't really look through history. The Third-eye is a technique that actually just sends the information into the mind of the receiver. When we got the same message, we had almost the same vision of things, that is why we were able to communicate while 'watching'. "

"Oh! So I wasn't here for that long!" - what a relief. I wasn't here for too long. I still have the chance to return to them.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you; however, when I sent your consciousness to the meeting with our Creator, a lot of time had passed. The time flows differently here and in His realm. "

"How... How l-long w-was I here?..." - no. It is not possible! I didn't leave them... I didn't...

"I think it had been around 25-30 years outside." - Elder Gindu answered mercilessly.

"Thirty? I still have time... Yes, I can still return to them. That's great... Wait a minute... How am I still alive? Even if I am abnormal, surviving without food for so long is impossible!"

Elder smirked and was supported by many other snickers from the other spirits.

"The cave is a bit special. This is the only place where souls can be materialised. The cave was designed that way. It will support a living body with its energy or give a body to a qualified soul. However, the soul will still be unable to exit the cave. It is tied down and has to remain here until someone frees it."

"That is why we ask of you, please, free us and let us return to our Father." - many beautiful voices rang out at the same time, filled with a genuine plea.

"Was it difficult inside the scroll?"

"It was horrible. It feels like you were torn apart and then merged into one. You had no ego, yet you could feel each other. You felt a mixture of all of the possible emotions, feelings and even some of the memories. This was pure torture." - Gindu shivered at the thought of what they have had experienced.

"How am I supposed to be of help?"

"Activate your eyes."

I obediently followed his instructions and activated my new power. The world became lighter and almost seen through. I could see many energy veins in the walls of the cave, as well as in the people before myself. However, I couldn't see the outside. the cave was blocking my few.

I sighed with a little bit of disappointment. I thought I'll be able to at least see the condition of my new family...

"What should I do next?"

"Concentrate on your connection with Father and lead as through the channel."

I nodded and walked up to my parents.

"Mom, Dad, I was glad to see you again. Thank you!" - tears blurred, no, tried to blur my eyes. The Dojutsu didn't allow that.

"We were happy to meet you, sunshine."

"We definitely were! Malika, live a long and fulfilling life! We are proud to have you as our daughter!"


And they left. They disappeared in golden glitter, leaving me alone in the dark hall of the cave.

"Rest in peace, my clan."


"You are handling it well, Danzo."

"Thank you Hokage-sama."

"Don't be too formal. You can call me 'sensei' just like before! Otherwise, it feels like you are building a wall in between."

"Izuna-sensei, you became the Hokage. I cannot call you 'sensei' anymore. At least not in the residence."

"Fine. How are the operations progressing?"

"Everything is alright, Hokage-sama. From our sources, Kirigakure and Kumogakure broke off their temporary alliance after the failure to wipe off Uzushiogakure. It was not made official and was kept under wraps; however, 'somehow' Sunagakure got a hold of the news and is now redirecting its troops from our borders."

"Shorter. Danzo, you are now giving report, not chatting with sensei."

"Hai. The operation was a success. We managed to spread the information to the right sources. Sunagakure is now changing the location of its forces."

"Good. what about-"

"Hokage-sama! An unknown identity was spotted at-"


{Yes, Nii-san.}

{Lake. Cave. Now.} - Restless voice of his brother made Izuna a little tense. He ignored suddenly appeared ANBU and worried Danzo while scanning the surroundings.

"Hokage-sama -"

Izuna instantly stood up as soon as he sensed the familiar presence. A frown on his face was way too nerve-wracking for his subordinates.

"Danzo. Mobilise Root and ANBU. We have to hurry." - As soon as he gave out orders, he disappeared in Shushin.


{Tobirama, where are you?}

{Just a kilometre away from the location. Where are the shinobi and Izuna.}

{Izuna is with me. We are about to reach the place. Troops are a little behind.}


{In bed. We cannot let him fight.}

"I'm here." - Tobirama caught up to Uchiha.


"Are you sure that it was that thing?"

"I wouldn't be able to mistake it for anyone."

The three of them sat on the tree just before the lake started and stared at the being before them. Pitch black body that had no place for shadow and round, eerie, yellowish eyes were fixed on the rocks of the mountain.

{What does this thing doing? This is just a wall.} - Izuna asked while being confused.

{That is the place where Malika disappeared.} - Tobirama's solemn tone gave more than enough information for Izuna to understand. This thing wants to do something to the entrance of the cave which will have a negative impact on the future.

They cannot allow it.

Madara was in silent agreement with others and sent a wave of fire in the direction of his most hated enemy.

[Koton: Great Fireball!]

"Oh... I have got some guests..." - disgusting, irritating voice filled the air, as Zetsu came out of the ground.

The only things he got in response were a sea of weapons and deadly jutsu.

"Is this how you greet me? I guess it is a reasonable reaction." - It continued to speak with a smirk - "However, do you not consider consequences of attacking me here?" Zetsu knew that he didn't stand a chance against so many shinobi in a battle, yet he couldn't leave. He had something he had to do. All he was able to do - manipulate. And it became so easy with thousands of years of practice.

Just as he predicted, shinobi stopped. They stood opposite each other. Zetsu was right in front of the wall and if someone dared to attack him, the mountain will crush one very annoying girl to pieces. Not that he was against it. It would ruin some of the plans he made for her, but it was still fine. Mother will come back.

{What should we do?}

{Stall for time. More people will arrive and we will split the fight. Some will attack while others will protect the entrance...}

{It's ok! No need to worry.} - a cheerful, familiar voice appeared in the heads of the trio.

"I'm already out, so you can beat this ... thing to a pulp." - She continued while grasping tightly the neck of the creature. Her irises were white with blue and red mist at the circumference, while deep hatred was burning in them. - "However, I would like to request all of you to stay outside of this. I want to erase its existence myself."

"You! H-how?"

"Heh, how what? The fact that you can't control my body, Black Zetsu?" - yellow circles became enlarged as if shoving their owner's shock.

{I'm glad to see all of you again, guys!}

{Welcome back, Malika!}