Chapter 6.

"We will rest here and continue our mission in two days." - Kuro informed genin team earing confused gazes that landed on me in the end. After another week, the three of us decided to take a short break in the last town near the border of the Fire Nation. Nara was also supportive of that idea (of course...), as well as Akai. Genins needed some proper rest before we enter a completely new area.

"Denki, do you happen to know a good inn around here?" - He told me that he was on the missions around this part of the country. Out of those two brothers, Denki was the more talkative one and he happily shared a lot of stories with me. Most of them were secret missions from the Hokage or the Hogosha unit, so I had a lot of fun in getting to know more about private information of the past.

"Yes, I do." - He took the lead and the rest of us followed.

"But, Malika-san, we can rest by the time we reach our destination." - Oku asked me with a light shadow over his face. His teammates also had the exact same expressions. I snickered inwardly. 'We are all grown up and can handle everything' song, isn't it?

"This stop is required for all of us. We have to recover and get ready for a long journey. The Land of Rain has completely different terrain, so we will have to breathe you in on that in more detail than in the Academy books. Besides, I suppose, everyone would appreciate a proper bath or a hot spring over a quick shower in the river?" - Akai spoke to them.

The mood of genins brightened significantly after one sentence about hot springs. I feel like I'm an extra here...

I probably shouldn't. They are not my team, I'm not their friend or even a proper acquaintance. We have only met a few days ago, and yet, I feel left out.

I would like to speak to my "Nii-sans", but, Izuna is busy. Hashirama and Mito are spending together much more time and I don't want to disturb them. Madara and Tobirama were sent on the front line to give 'our dear Suna' a surprise and need to focus without me bothering them.

I remembered the talk with Hono during our camp. He was so joyous when he talked about his team. Besides, when I look at the children, I also want to be closer to them.

I looked at my hands and snickered. With this body, I could probably just play around with them as an equal. And yet...

It isn't exactly what I want. I feel much older than them, especially after meeting with God-creator and my clan. I've matured and just do not see myself playing with them. Moreover, children of 'my age' have missions, training and friends from the Academy and so on.

'Should I become a mentor? Get a proper rank as a shinobi of my village, become qualified and get a team of children to train?' - A sadden thought crossed my mind and made me a little bit excited.

That's it! I will follow that route and become an eligible candidate for a team leader! I could ask Izuna to just trust a team to me, but I want to do it fairly. Also, I need to gain some experience in that field. I've never truly worked with a team. That mission with Uzushio and this one will probably sum up all of my 'team instances', and if one would analyse them... I've never been a part of the group. I was doing things alone or just leaving it up to my subordinates.

'Irresponsible ruler isn't required back at home ether' - I laughed while getting ready for a hot spring. Denki brought us to his favourite place and we have already booked the rooms and the hot spring. Hana, Sakumo, Dan and Oku were staying with me, while the rest were in another room next to us. The boys have already left and Hana was waiting for me at the door. She decided to go together since she didn't want to be alone in there.

"Okay, Hana-chan, let's go! We will soak there and wash all of the filth away!" - I will train hard in order to be a great leader!



"This was the best!" - Oku dived into his futon after returning from hot spring and our dinner.

"Yes." - Sakumo agreed and also went to get comfortable in his place.

Hana was already sleeping in the other corner of this rather big room. I placed my mattress next to hers and sat on it. No matter how unwilling genins were to show it, they were tired and were happy to get at least a two day's rest.

Hana was the first one to get out and left to order some food in the restaurant that was in this inn. Shortly after, all of us were out and headed to have dinner. Again, Hana was the first one to finish and when we came to our lounge, she was fast asleep.

Sakumo and Oku were quick to follow, but Dan seemed to be deep in his thoughts, sitting by the window and looking at the starry sky. Ha was like this ever since that fight and I think I know the reason.

"I also like to look at the stars when I'm troubled by anything. The view from the Hokage mountain is gorgeous." - I sat by the window, opposite to him. He nodded absentmindedly and continued to stare in the distance. I could see through his aura that he was thinking hard about something, and gradually, very slowly, a light, small 'something' was pushing him from within in the right direction.

"That technique. Did you come up with that on your own?"

His gaze cleared and became sharp like a fang of the tiger. I quickly sent a wave of calming spell that made him relax. This looked like mental protection... Could it be that someone made this mechanism so that Dan wouldn't spill the beans to people he didn't fully trust? Or maybe the criterion was a little bit different. I saw him talking about that technique with his friends, but I seemed to be out of his comfort zone.

Well, not a problem.

I looked him in the eyes and cast a light spell that will make him feel secure around me. I really want to know about that jutsu; moreover, I want to see and judge if this might be dangerous for him or our village.

"I did." - He nodded. - "An inspiration came to me when I became a genin and now I'm working on it so that I could make it perfect." - His eyes became clouded by excitement and he continued to inform me of the details of the technique. - "The [Spirit Transformation Technique] allows me to possess the body of my enemy, use it and when I leave, the enemy dies by rotting from within. The technique is really good, but..."

"But you have some kind of problem with it. Can you share it with me? I might help you out a little." - He looked at me sceptically, but the spell did its job.

"Yes." - he sighed. - "There are a few shortcomings that I can't put my finger on. First of all, it is too chakra-consuming. After the use, I'm left with no chakra. Second of all, When I'm using the body, I feel the decaying of the flesh and the pain that comes from that." - He shrugged his shoulders as if trying to shake off the scary sensation of Death from them. - "Lastly, After I return, I need a few minutes to get my body to function properly. I think that is all." - He stopped and fell silent.

That is amazing actually... This kind of technique is surely unique... I was at a loss of words, so I decided to think up the solutions for his dilemmas.

His first complaint might be coming from his small chakra reserves, while second and third... If I were to take a guess, I think it would be coming from his inability to use his Yun-component properly.

Feelings are also a part of the 'mental' element of our chakra, that is why some shinobi use their chakra worse or better depending on their control over their emotions. A truly strong shinobi can control his emotions so well, that his chakra is always within his control. All that shinobi has to do, is to simulate the shadow of his feelings to fool his opponent into thinking that the enemy is unbalanced and open for the attack.

Well, the only people I know with that kind of ability, would be Oonoki, Madara, Hashirama and Izuna. Tobirama is almost there, but he is doing it a little bit wrong. He is trying to lock his emotions during the battle and if the enemy had truly angered him, his control becomes worse. Hashirama, on the other hand, embraced his nature and found a way to show only desired feelings. Even in the village, he is fully relaxed only in the circle of really close friends and family members. Izuna and Madara were trained in their clan because of Uchiha's nature and fiery temperament.

Oonoki... I don know. He managed to do that when I wasn't around. He is younger than my Nii-sans so that shows something, I think.

Coming back to Dan's problems. In my opinion, he has to learn how to leave his 'feeling' part of Yun-chakra inside of his body. That way he won't feel pain even if the body he was using was cut to pieces. This will automatically resolve his third issue. Since his spirit/soul leaves the body with all of the chakra, he is basically dying... That is why when he returns, all of the remaining chakra is spent on 'bringing him back to life'. If he leaves some chakra inside of his original body it won't be in the 'death' mode, but rather sleep, which will allow him to get back into action just a few moments after his soul returns.

Hm... Now that I think about it, this also solves his first complaint. Since some chakra would be left, the Yang-component will continue to be produced and when he gets back, he won't be totally out of chakra and will, most probably, be able to use the technique for more than once in the future as his reserves grow.

I told him my thoughts and he stared at me as if I was a reincarnation of Rokudo-sennin... As I explained further, he became more and more thoughtful and by the end, he was just purely bewildered.