Chapter 9.

"Overall, the mission was a success, Hokage-sama." - I've put my report on Izuna's desk and left the room followed by the others.

"We can finally rest..." - Oku stretched his arms as the unerasable, bright grin formed on his face. - "See you all soon!" - And he runs off into the distance leaving a cloud of dust behind him.

"Khe... Khe!" - We coughed out the dust,

"I-i think I will be taking my leave as well, Hono-sensei." - Hatake said politely and started to move away. Looking at those boys, it is clear that Senju didn't put the formalities at the top of their 'must'-list. They are very cultured but prefer to behave easygoing around the people they like.

"Go, Sakumo and don't forget to brag to your family about your achievements!" - As usual, their Sensei eyed in the roots. Sakumo may seem to be calm and collected, but deep down, he is a mischievous teenager. I've seen this with my own eyes.

On our way back, genins finally got used to me and... showed their hidden sides. Oku remained as he was and Hana became much more outspoken. Dan was already fully opened up to me, so I wasn't expecting such a big change of character from quiet, collected and upright Hatake...

He was calling Oku or Dan on duels, playing small pranks on the way and even cracked funny jokes! He never stopped being responsible or caring to his friends, just broke the ice between us. I asked his teammates and this was his normal behaviour before we went on this joined mission.

I bid them goodbye and teleported on the top of the Hokage mountain. An exited and annoyed grin unvoluntary appeared on my face as I rubbed my palms.


"What are you planning?" - I heard an unfamiliar voice. I turned around and saw a young boy. From the looks of it, he is supposed to be around 9-10 years old. Long, smooth, charcoal-black hair was outlining his cute, pale face. He had beautifully shaped eyes with golden irises like that of a snake, and light-purple lines were above them. If it weren't for his aura (it is different) I would've mistaken him for a girl.

He looked me in the eyes and I could see that he was really smart. And way too mature for his age. If he was to be brought up nicely, he would become a great person in the future.

"What is your name?" - I couldn't help but ask.

"Orochimaru. What were you planning to do to the mountain." - He inquired with pressure in his voice and took a comfortable stance if the attack was launched. Hm... he looks talented. If it wasn't for the rules in the Academy, he would most probably be a genin by now.

Nah, he wouldn't. Tabirama prevented that from happening. If there were cases of very gifted and genius children, they would be going through some special courses after they finish with the vast sea of Academy curriculum. Sakumo and Dan were going through those courses for a year before they graduated.


My thoughts were interrupted by a flying kunai that aimed at my face followed by a few shurikens.

"Wow, be careful. You can kill with those." - I caught them and gave them back. I have my own.

"..." - He gripped his weapons tightly and readied another attack.

"Did you take me for a spy?"

He remained silent.

"Don't worry, Orochimaru-kun. See this?"- I tabbed on my hitai-ate on the forearm. - "This was given to me by the First Hokage. You can ask him if you meet." - His eyes glinted for a second before turning serious again. Hm? His aura is telling me that, he, in fact, will be able to talk to Hashi-nii-san. Does he have someone with connections?

Orochi-kun put down the gear and looked at me with the exact same question in them. - "I was just going to fix some mistakes that a dilettante sculpture did while engraving." -This bothering me ever since I got back. I wanted to shake the neck of the who made Izuna-nii's face into THAT! It looked horrible, especially next to the delicate and detailed face of the First Hokage, whom I've spent my time on.

Orochi's face became surprised so he followed my gaze which landed on the face of the Second Hokage. He became thoughtful for a moment, before nodding his head in approvement with a serious face. Looks like I'm not the only one who doesn't appreciate this 'masterpiece'

"Wanna join and see the 'restoration'?

"I believe, I do." - he nodded.

I grabbed him and jumped off the cliff. Orochimaru's eyes widened, but before he could scream, I stopped our fall an now we were exactly in front of Izuna's sorry sculpture.

"What were you doing here, Orochimaru-kun?" - I asked him before I started. The terrified child was clinging tightly onto me, so I had to make him a little bit destructed.

"I... I was hiding from a certain annoying duo." - His friends? Heh.

"Alright! If they come here, I'll help you hide."

"Thank you."


"Jiraya! Where is Orochimaru!" - A blond girl shouted at a white-haired boy before her... or rather in her fists.

"How should I know?!"

Tsunade squinted her eyes and asked with a sweet voice - "I know who brought him over to the onsen, Jiraya. He received some of the backlashes as well, so I have to apologise. Or..." - She rolled her eyes in contemplation, - " Would you rather receive another round as an apology?"

"No! I will search for him!"

At that moment, a loud noise resounded in the village and a cloud of sand and dust covered the mountain with historical monuments.

Noone had the time to react since moments later, the cloud dissipated, revealing a completely new face behind it and a small figure hovering in the air opposite to it.


"Why did you have to make a scene out of it..." - Izuna complained as he hanged his head during the dinner that Nii-sans invited me on.

"Don't tell me you were ok with that abomination."

"No... but you could've just made it less eye-and-ear-catching. You don't want to know the number of complaints I received afterwards. And there I was happy that the workload has almost returned to normal."

"I did that with using Earth techniques, so some commotion was bound to happen." - I shrugged my shoulders. I wanted to prove that even with Doton, shinobi could make the monument way better!

"Stop it, Izuna. Be happy that your face is as good as mine now." - Hashirama patted his back. Tobirama and Madara were chatting away, not bothering with the concert happening in front of them, while Danzo couldn't close his mouth for a while now. Kagami and Nichro, Izuna's and Madara's sons, were eating their food while casting curious gazes my way. They most likely knew my identity.

"Malika, there is going to be my granddaughter's birthday in a few days, will you come?" - Hashirama asked.

"Sure." - I didn't see any reason to say no. - "I just hope that there aren't any 'symbols of peace' in every corner of your compound."

"What do you mean! Of course, there are!"

"Great..." - It feels a little embarrassing...

I soon left their welcoming home and teleported into my apartment.

"Well, I should probably do it now, right?" - I took out the Chakra Fruit and walked into the basement. - "Here we go!"

I bit into it and as soon as the last piece was swallowed, a horrific pain rushed through my body. I was torn to shreds, twisted and melted on the inside.

{Remember, Malika, when you will consume the fruit, the cleaning and purifying process will start. To contain our power, your body needs to be prepared, that is why be careful. You are not pureblooded, that is why your chakra system is a bit different from ours. The Fruit will fix this and awaken your blood to the fullest, but it will painful.}

"Yeah... it sure was... Elder..." - muttered as the pain gradually faded leaving a feeling of the endless power within myself.