Chapter 13.

"Hey, Orochi, who do you think our sensei will be?" - Jiraya nudged his friend and got a glare in return.

"How would I know? Your father works for Hokage, you should've asked him."

"Eh..." - Jiraya sighed defeated. - "I did, but Izuna-san wouldn't tell him as well."

"Hokage-sama didn't speak to my old man as well." -Tsunade approached them and set next to irritated Orochimaru who was trying to read.

Ever since he spoke with Malika-san, he stopped hiding his interests, discussed things he read with his friends and even got Tsunade fired up in learning Iryojutsu. Jiraya, on the other hand, was just listening, calling him a nerd and sleep next to them. And get both himself and Orochimaru into trouble because of his spying in the hot springs.

Orochimaru could feel that his friends weren't cautious of him anymore and Hiruzen-san's words weren't hurtful. Last time he started saying the same thing, Tsunade got angry and Jiraya helped her with chasing after fleeing Sarutobi.

"I bet it will be a cool beauty! I will make sure she falls for me and my strength!" - Jiraya stood up, only to get a heavy, girly fist on his white head.

"I swear, Jiraya, shut up." - Tsunade cracked her knuckles. - "I didn't forgive you yet for those porn magazines in Nawaki's room.

"It wasn't me!"

"SURE... I will pretend I didn't see them in your hands previously."

"Everyone! Settle down! I will now announce your teams!"

The room turned quiet in an instant and the teacher began his job. As time went by, only the famous-pranking-trio was left.

"Looks like, The brilliant me will be stuck with you, idiots for quite a while." - Jiraya sighed exaggeratedly.

"You would've been with me anyways. We live in the same house."


"Team 9. Senju Tsunade, Senju Jiraya and Orochimaru. Your teammate from Medical Institue - Hiruko. Sensei..."

"Hi! I'm your sensei, Team 9!" - A woman with dark brown hair and hazel eyes entered the room. She wore regular ninja uniform, had a jounin vest and a hitai-ate around her right forearm. All of the eyes in the auditorium were fixated on her, because of her entrance.

"I was about to..." - The teacher wanted to speak up.

"Oh, I apologise for the interruption, Tori-sensei. I want to take my team now. We will get to know each other on our own."

"...sure." - He gave up. They are her students from this moment after all.

The-now-genin-trio stood up and followed their Sensei into the park nearby.

"Hiruko-kun, thank you for your patience." - She addressed a pale, white-haired boy, who was sitting on the bench with five boxes next to him.

"Hai, Sensei."

"Alright. I know that we were supposed to meet after lunch and since you haven't eaten yet, I brought some with me."

The team stared at their Sensei, took bentos and set on the bench next to their new comrade.

"Our Sensei isn't half bad, but I would've prefered a bit more...You know." - Jiraya whispered to Orochimaru, but being shinobi, everyone else heard him. The common quarrel started in between childhood friends, Hiruko was observing his teammates, while the woman just continued to eat.

"Sensei." - Tsunade spoke up when the lunch was finished.

The woman looked at her pupils and smiled.

"Alright, let's start our introduction." - She nodded. - "Hiruko, start."

"My name is Hiruko. Graduated from Medical Institute two years ahead of my classmates. Rank C+. I like staff related to medicine and Jutsus. The dream is to get a Kekkei Genkai." - The boy said honestly but didn't notice a slight squint of their teacher's eyes.

"Orochimaru. I'm interested in many things related to Jutsus. No dreams as of now."

"Senju Tsunade. I don't have Mukoton, but can do chakra-filled punches that crash rocks." - Jiraya scratched his head, remembering the mentioned ability. - "I also find Iryojutsu interesting and was thinking about taking some courses. My dream... Maybe to support Nawaki in his dream..."

"Senju Jiraya! The smartest of the class! I don't have Mukoton, but have a few tricks up my sleeves! Hobbies... Have a few. He-he-he." - Jiraya introduced himself while rubbing his nose. - "The dream is a secret!"

Their Sensei chuckled and seeing the expectant gazes, started her introduction.

"Rank - S. Jounin. Your Sensei from now one. Like to study. Dream - To be a good leader."

Her students exchanged confused glances.

"What about your name?" - Hiruko enquired.

"That's when the interesting part comes!" - The woman clapped her hands. - "When you finish your Academy and Institute, you would have to pass an examination of your nominated Sensei. The examination is decided by said person and carried on. If you pass, you will continue on your road of Shinobi. Didn't manage - you will be relocated somewhere else then."

When young shinobi wanted to explode, the woman continued. - "My exam for you will be fair. You'll have to find out my true identity."


"Right now, you are seeing an illusion. This is not how I look, sound or smell like. You have till 6 pm. Also, one more hint - all of you know me in person." - And she turned around walking off into the distance.


When I was far enough, I switched with my clone and teleported to my group.

"Did everyone catch the plan?"


"Let's go!"

"Eh?" - Jiraya started to look around when his teammates suddenly vanished and ran off in different directions. - "I never agreed to any of this! I'm not going along you, guys! I'll do it on my own!" - He pointed into a random direction and followed my clone.

"What are you doing, Jiraya-kun?" - My clone asked the boy with amusement. It's a pity I didn't hear the plan, but this way it's more fun.

"Gathering information!" - He pointed his finger at the clone. - "This way I'll be able to determine who you really are!"

"Suit yourself."


"What are the results?"

"Right now there are 16 known S-rankers in the Village. 10 of them are male." - Hiruko reported to Orochimaru.

"How many do you know personally?"

"Two. Uchiha Izuna, the current Hokage and Ruiga Hatake. Hatake is not in Konoha."

"And this is definitely not the Hokage..." - Orochimaru hanged his head. - "I saw him in the office. Besides, he wouldn't have time to train us."

"Any other clues?" - Hiruko felt a bit depressed. He spent an hour searching for the information only for it to mean nothing.

"Our Sensei is surely a female. And a Jounin."

"True. Sensei said the test will be fair. She will most probably behave as she usually does."

"Let's hope Tsunade got more gathered than we did."


"What do you have?" - Tsunade whispered softly as the boys approached her.

"Nothing meaningful. We checked our end. It was empty. You?"

"She went to eat at the stall and ordered something spicy. Went to the training ground for half an hour and now Sensei is heading to the Hot- OH, No You Don't!" - Tsunade hissed and disappeared only to come back holding Jiraya by his ear.

"What are you doing?! I was about to gather more information!"

"Shut up, pervert. Your shift is done. Orochimaru, use Henge and continue instead of this moron. The rest of us are going to spread out and look for more clues."



"Anything?" - Jiraya asked defeated.



"I had a hunch, but had to disregard it." - Hiruko replied.

"How much time do we have?"

"A minute-"

"And time is up!" - I appeared from Shunshin with a smile plastered all over my face. - "Did you manage to uncover my mysterious self?!"

"N-..." -They were ready to shake their heads, but caught my last words.

"Eh?!" - Tsunade widened her eyes.

"Wow..." - Orochimaru rolled his eyes and laid down on the grass.

"No way it's you!" - Jiraya jumped up frustrated.

"I had this feeling, but thought that it was nonsense." - Hiruko hanged his head.



I undid my transformation and showed them a big thumb up. - "You did an excellent job during the day! You are most welcomed in the Shinobi's work!"

The four of them stared at me with surprise, while their auras were giving off a lot of irritation.

"The aim of the test was, whether or not could you work with new people in the group, think up a strategy in a short time and gather information. Those aspects are very important in the life of a Shinobi and I'm happy that you do have what it takes!"

"What about our Jutsus?!" - Jiraya was the only one openly showing his dissatisfaction,

"I will be training you from tomorrow onwards, so I'll have time to asses that part of your previous training. I'm your Sensei, so I decide what is important now and what can be left for later."


"Let's go. I'll treat you to anything you want. We celebrated your first victory!"

They led me into the BBQ restaurant that was opened by the Akimichi clan and ordered a whole bunch of meat. Well, I expected nothing less from three teenaged-genin boys, but I never expected that Tsunade would eat as much. Chakra does wonders.

"Malika-sensei, is this really your true appearance?" - Jiraya asked mischievously while stuffing himself with food.

"Yes. Due to certain conditions, I do not age."

"You don't look any older than us." - Tsunade pointed the obvious out.

"I stopped ageing at the age of twelve. Don't look down on me though. I met your parents or grandparents when wars between clans was a common thing."

They nodded and continued with no interruptions from my side. I can't eat that anyway, so I only drunk tea.