Chapter 21.

"Who's up for ice cream?!" - I marched into the orphanage's yard with a box of cold sweets in hands. The children immediately reacted to me and rushed to meet me... Nah, they came for the treat. Heh.

"Line up! There is enough for everyone!" - They made a line, accepted their dessert and left happily. - "No seconds, Rumi-chan. Yasuo-san will be very mad if I gave you more, and we don't want that. Right?" - I winked at the young girl. Rumi seriously contemplated on the matter, met my gaze and solemnly nodded. Their caretaker is a gentle and kind kunoichi, but she is strict.

The line soon finished and everyone was either eating or finishing their food. It had been five days since I first came here and now I come here almost every day. Kids got used to me, caretakers were friendly and I was genially resting here. Even in my world, I sometimes visit the orphanage I was in previously to play, as all I have from there is gratitude. Everyone was considerate and mindful of our needs.

I scanned the group and noticed Minato under the tree reading.

"Finished your ice cream already?" - The four-year-old boy shook his head and answered honestly. - "Doki-kun's ice cream fell on the ground and he was shy to ask for a replacement so I gave him mine."

"What about you?"

"I'm fine." - He grumbled and buried his head in the textbook. I didn't even need to observe his aura to understand that he wasn't happy about the situation.

Shaking my head, I secretly pulled one more ice cream out of my space and handed it over to him. Minato accepted it with a blush, ashamed that he was read through, and began to eat with a broad smile on his sunny face.

I also bean eating mine and observed him from the side. His spiky, golden hair was very messy again. I brush it every day from day two, made him promise to take care of that on his own, but somehow, he doesn't comply with the agreement and I have to do it again. Though I see a few leaves in his locks, so I guess it is a cleaning time today.

Noticing my staring, he turned to me with a serious gaze as if asking what was so interesting.

"You have cream all over our cheeks, Minato-kun." - I smirked as I watched the boy frantically wiping it away with his hand, but now both, his face and hand were durty. - "Here. Let me do it." - I pulled out a cloth and wiped away the durt.

The silence resumed again, but now he was occasionally peeking at me as if preparing to say something but was holding back those words. Or he might be an empath and just felt that I was a bit restless.

And he, Namikaze Minato, was the cause.

I wanted to do something for him. We were a bit similar and that drow me closer to the boy. Both of us lost our parents at similar ages, he liked to study and was very cleaver.

"Hey, Minato-kun."

"Hm?" - He looked at me with confusion.

"Do you want to be adopted?" - It was a silly question, but I had to ask for my plan to proceed.

The child froze and his sky-blue eyes started to wander around in a bit of panic.

"I- I don't know." - He finally decided on the answer after a few minutes of contemplation. - "Half-a-year ago, my dad and mom were here. Now they are not. I still remember their smiles and words and fear to let go. I'm already forgetting their voices and faces. What if I get adopted, I... I f-forget them comp-p-pletely?"-He finished with shaking voice.

He finally cried.

From the moment he was found, he had never cried over his parents. He was always calm; however, I know one thing for sure, it is important to get bolted feelings out. Otherwise, he would've burnt out. When I woke up for the first time after my parents died, I didn't cry too. Slowly, I was getting further from everyone and only when the Queen adopted me and I opened up, did I relieve myself from the burden.

A very painful and heavy burden you don't even know existed.

Nonetheless, I felt guilty about the question. I did anticipate a similar reaction, but seeing big drops of clear tears forming in the edges of a child's eyes, is very heartbreaking. Unlike adults, children get sad, sorrowful, happy or restless for real. Sometimes, there is absolutely nothing in their heads when they do so. Only pure emotion, thus making it even more impactful.

I hugged him and felt hot tears being absorbed by my clothes.

"Shhh... I'm sorry... Shhh..." - I gently patted his back and began to direct calming vibes at him.

"I'm fine." - Red-faced boy separated from me and attempted to smile. - "Even if I would get adopted, I would do my best to remember Dad and Mom... I'd try hard to do so..."

"That's good." - I smiled and he awkwardly scratched his head. - "So, you are not against being adopted?"


"Then..." - The difficult part came. - "Would it be alright for me to do so?"

He stared at me in stunned. It probably came out of the blue for him.

However, for me, it was... important? I don't know. Somehow, this just feels like the right thing to do. I saw too many similarities in him that I couldn't ignore. I was lucky to get a loving family, had a good headstart and status, and now I'm someone of great power. Moreover, I want him to be happy as well.

I don't doubt his intelligence at all. He would enter the Academy next year. I'm sure that he would be able to become a renowned genius there and since he is from a clan, albeit extinct, he would still get one of the best senseis as a team leader. Even if he wouldn't receive a superior treatment, he would still become great through his own effort... just like I would. It would've been a lot more difficult if I wasn't part of the Royals, but still manageable.

I want to help him, I guess.

I looked at him in the eyes and he averted them a few moments later. No good, huh?

"I'm not forcing you." - I stood up and flashed a smile. I can help him differently then. Adopting would be the easiest way though. That way he would be under my direct protection all the time... Now that I think about it deeper, I can pretty much do almost the same even without adopting him. - "I'll keep coming here and will help you in your years at the Academy if you want to."

I turned to leave the orphanage since I got a 'call' from Madara-nii through telepathy. He said that he is finally done with a huge chunk of work and can speak with me on 'whichever thing you needed'.

Yet, I was held back by tiny hands that tightly grabbed my T-shirt from behind.

"Wait." - He said resolutely, but his aura was in turmoil. Excitement and uncertainty mixed into a raging whirlpool in his heart. - "I... You can."

"Oh, I really can?" - I crouched down to face him. The adorable child furrowed his eyebrows and nodded.


"Are you not going to feel weird if someone who looks like this will be your... um... Foster parent? Sister?..."

"No! You are pretty! Why would I feel weird!?"

Being called pretty felt... nice. And it put all of the other questions aside. If needed, I can always just change my form.

"Then, please, sign this!" - I teleported over a document that stated that I was to become his guardian if he is fine with that. Izuna-nii had his doubts. The matter will be settled with the caretakers later. This paper will resolve everything.

"I can keep my last name?!" - He darted his blue orbs at me, and his aura became calm. No more uncertainty was there. So that was the reason.

"Of course! You don't want to forget your Mom and Dad, right? So we will keep it! That way, you'll always be connected to them through it!"

After that, things flew by in a flash. I took Minato from the orphanage, cooked a feast for our little celebration and put him to sleep.

I guess, now is the time to visit Madara... This cannot be delayed any further.


When Hokage was sitting and quietly doing his paperwork, a piece of document disappeared from its spot.

Izuna glanced at, now empty, corner of the table and heaved a sigh.

'How come she always gets her away with things?' - He asked a secretary for an adoption document, wrote down the details and put a stamp. - 'Done.' - He sighed again, but a smile crept upon his face.

That means, she will stay here for a bit longer.

Just like he did, Madara, Hashirama and Tobirama felt that she was preparing to leave soon, and were a bit dijected; however, since she now has a child to look after, she can't leave. They won't see her leaving at least.

Selfish, but nothing can be done.