Chapter 23.

"What in the world?!" - I opened my eyes and found myself standing on the Hokage mountain; however, it wasn't an odd location what made me feel perplexed. The Konohagakure no Sato, that I knew, was nowhere to be found. The Hokage Tower, that was illuminated in the soft shy of the full moon, was twice as small as I remembered it to be. I couldn't see any portals to the Uzushio or recently built training facility. Many buildings shifted places for some reason and the Academy lacked a few sections...

As seconds passed, my eyes caught an even greater amount of nonsensical differences from what my perfect memory had stored. Clan compound of Uchiha was way smaller, while Senju's resembled a haunted land! My mind span from all of these unrealistic displays and I forced my eyes shut, just to prevent myself from more confusion.


A loud, deafening noise travelled through the resting night and I hurriedly opened my eyelids only to see a twenty-meter-tall beast raging on the outskirts of this Konoha.

Kurama. The nine-tailed Bijuu has broken free and started to crash paper-like buildings. I stared at him in shock, as I managed to see bright, three-tomoe Sharingan An in both of his orbs.

Panicking people poured onto the streets and started to violently pace around with no order whatsoever! Shinobi instantly reported to the scene of battle, trying to defeat the crazy Bijuu, not noticing his futile resistance to the control of the much dreaded Doujutsu.

I tried to jump down but failed. My feet felt to be nailed to the ground and Mana wasn't responding to my calls. All I could do was watch tens of people dying in the village that held a close resemble a to the place I got used to calling home. I clenched my fists and bit on my lip, feeling the blood boil within my tiny body.

I noticed a few Uchiha, who were conducting a proper evacuation, look up, see the eyes of the Tailed beast and go paler. Someone, who seemed to be one of the in-charge, was talking a brown-haired man with a cross-shaped scar on the chin. To my great surprise, I identified the man as Danzo.

I couldn't hear him speak but, with my Doujutsu activated, I was able to see his lips and read the ridiculous instructions. Order Uchiha to be on standby, while their Sharingan was clearly displayed to everyone? It was more than just outrageous! Doesn't he realise that it will them the outcasts?! I'm not even talking about any long run consequences... Izuna's Danzo is so much smarter and wiser, that it saddened my soul.

I could clearly see how the Uchiha, in the police uniform, gritted his teeth and went to protect the citizens. He had to follow orders.

Suddenly, Kurama turned his gigantic torso towards the village, the mountain I was glued on to put it more specifically, and began to gather massive amounts of chakra. The chakra compressed into a dark, ominous sphere and grew larger as seconds passed by.

'Bijuudama... great,' - I started to rack my brain as hard as I could in order to find a solution to my sticky situation, - "My mana is cut off from me, the chakra feels to be sealed, powerful Doujutsu can be used as a magnifying glass only and my legs are not willing to cooperate...' - I felt something swell up in my chest; something that I hadn't experience in a long time - terror.

In the first-in-forever fit of panic, I was about to just cut off my feet and crawl away (since they were the only parts of me that didn't obey commands of my brain or reflexes), when a sudden flash of lightning appeared in front of me, before revealing a tall figure of a man a split moment later.

His bright, blond hair was forming a very familiar haircut of an angry hedgehog, his deep blue eyes overflowed with resolution and a large cape-like garment flattered in the wind, revealing red letters on the back. The fourth Hokage.

"Hey!" - I called out to the man, but it appeared like he didn't acknowledge my presence at all. Instead, he began to generate a tremendous amount of chakra and formulating jutsu. I gaped in awe at the familiar face and couldn't find any explanation to my situation.

Is this a dream? Yet, I couldn't even move. Could this be an illusion? I doubt anyone could've placed me under genjutsu that I wouldn't detect or break right away...

In a slow-motion, I saw how the bomb of the Tailed beast was released in our direction. My skin was covered with goosebumps just from the sheer amount of chakra there was in this single attack. Though, if I could use my reserves of chakra wouldn't even be enough to make me care. This bomb was merely a fraction of my full reserve after I consumed the Chakra Fruit.

Minato stood strong on the dump soil of the mountain, and although I could sense fear from him, he didn't budge and managed to seal the deadly sphere just before it could hit us.

My heart raced, as though I ran for at least a day nonstop, while the adrenaline was slowly fading away from my system. Suddenly, another man appeared behind me, but instead of attacking me, he just ran right through. He didn't even bother to spare me a single look.

My ability to move had returned to my legs, but I just couldn't muster the strength to do so, still shocked from earlier experiences.

I was visiting different worlds for a while now and had seen different cultures and situations. I even had a bit of experience of time-travelling. That's why, even after appearing in such a strange place, I wasn't as bewildered as now, when I discovered that I was practically a ghost now...

Suddenly, the world shook and blurred. The ground began to twist, causing me to feel noxious and the first thing that greeted my unfocused eyes, were the bloodied figures of my adopted son and a beautiful woman with long, red hair, being pierced by a gigantic claw, right through their chests as they tried to protect an adorable infant boy.

I sprinted to them, preparing to fight for their lives with everything I've had, but my hands and mana just passed right through them. I noticed a pattern of Shinigami on his body and shot my eyes upwards, only to confirm his presence. The pale figure of Shinigami, that wore white garments, only stretched its lips in an ugly sneer, as Minato finished another unfamiliar series of seals and completed the just.

The last thing I took before the world faded from my sight, was his lifeless, blue eyes as the God of Death collected his payment. My son's soul, followed by a heartbreaking cry of an infant who became the new vessel to one of the Bijuus.


The tiny, four-year-old, blonde boy felt uneasy. He laid in a soft, clean bed that smelled of herbs and buried himself deeper in the sheets. He was happy. He was felt very happy and lucky. Today he had more fun than in all of his time in the village. He had his own room, ate very delicious food and even got to play with other kids that he couldn't associate with while being in the orphanage.

Everything seemed so bright during the day, yet, as soon as the darkness of night fell upon the land, did the shadows of his past awakened. Every time he closed his eyes, the image of his frantic parents, who did their best to hide him and a few of his playmates. The screams of dying clansmen and normal villagers. Every time he attempted to sleep, the terror would resurface.

And now, he had been again jolted awake by another nightmare and tried his best to fight back the tears. The urge to just run into the room down the hall was great, but he resisted. He couldn't bother Malika-san even more. She seemed very tired after a long day.

They talked, played and she even brought him along with her to the Hokage tower! He had to wait for her in the lobby, but it was still very exciting! Not many were even allowed to come close, but he was sitting right inside and someone even gave him a cup of water!

After about half-hour, She returned and they walked back. They met some people, with whom Malika-san was acquaintances with, and went to a shopping district where they bought all kinds of ingredients that she didn't have at home previously.

"She said not to hide my feelings and be honest, right?" - the child paused in front of the door that separated him and Malika-san, still unsure of whether or not it was a good idea... - "She might be too tired... It's fine! I'll leave ad soon as I calm down!"

He carefully opened the door and made his way to her bedside. Just as he was about to reach out his hand, Malika's eyes flared open. She was drenched in a cold sweat and all of her body shivered, as though she had been in the ice-cold water.


"You are alive..." - she grabbed Minato and pulled into the bed, embracing his tiny statue, - "You are alright... that was a dream. Everything is fine!" - tears continued to pour from her eyes.

Minato froze in her arms and didn't dare to move. After a few minutes, when she calmed down, he made himself a bit more comfortable and fell asleep.

Malika gently stroked his golden locks as she gradually drifted to sleep, without noticing that her Taimuai was being activated on its own.