The people in the school

On the intersection area of the second floor of St. Mary's High school's High School building, the whole area was painted with blood, and pale corpses with gory features could be found everywhere. On the center of the area, a person could be seen eating a biscuit as he was sitting on a self-made bench made of piled up corpses…

As Ray was eating a biscuit that he looted before on his classroom, he looked into his status to check his level progress.



[Name] Ray Remington

[Lvl] 3 (7/80 exp)

[Mana] 7/60



[Strength] 14 + 1

[Agility] 14 + 2

[Vitality] 13

[Stamina] 26

[Senses] 15

[Magic] 6

Stat point/s available: 2

[+] Skills


Earlier, when Ray was fighting the zombies, he got lucky and encountered one 2nd generation H1 and one 1st generation H1. Killing them, he got a bountiful harvest, earning him a good amount of experience, and two boxes in the process; one white, one black.

Reaching enough experience to achieve level 3, Ray gained two new stat points, and one skill point. Counting the unused skill point he had when he reached level 2, he has a total of 2 skill points right now, enough to upgrade his 'Great Vigor' skill once more.

[Consume 2 available stat points to increase the skill, Great Vigor's level from 2 -> 3] y/n


[Great Vigor's level increased 2 -> 3!]

Bonus stamina 8 -> 12!

As Ray upgraded the skill, he could feel some kind of warm sensation spread on his body. Together with it, he felt a portion of his tiredness being lessened.

After upgrading his skill, Ray took out an energy drink from his storage box. Twisting the plastic cap of the drink open, he drank it all in one go, making him feel refreshed. Feeling refreshed, he could feel warm sweat coming out of his pores.

The earlier battle wouldn't be much if it weren't for the fact that he needed to concentrate his focus all the time in not getting bitten. A single zombie's bite mean's death, that's what made the zombies really problematic.

Ray looks into second floor's hallways and could see that the zombies remaining won't be able to reach him anytime soon, so he took a rest for a while. Doing so, he's currently using a breathing technique developed by the people from the east continent used to recover stamina. He spent a bit of stamina on the earlier fight. While he could recover 5 minutes of stamina over time normally, if he used the breathing technique, he could recover two times its rate.

Ray's stamina might have made him look like a Bruce Lee right now but he needed to use his energy wisely, making him spare a little bit in case there are too many zombies. Despite the earlier fight, he still had a few to spare before he needed to take refuge. His 30 stamina right now is enough for him to fight a bunch of zombies with concentration and movements like before for a full 30 minutes, but if he does so, then he wouldn't be able to move afterwards.

On the battle earlier, Ray had a total of 25 points of stamina. He had about 20 points as budget for his fight earlier, and the remaining 5 for escaping. If he sprinted in his maximum speed to escape, he had like a full 3 minutes for the 5 stamina.

Many matters affect the usage of stamina, like concentration, health, and temperature. Sometimes some people could even go beyond their stamina's capacity. If people were on adrenaline for example, they would enter a state that would let them use maximum output and could even go beyond the stats they currently have sometimes, but after leaving the state, they would suffer a debuff. So, having a number of stamina doesn't necessarily mean a person would be able to use it to its full potential or be limited by it; some lazy people wouldn't even be able to consume half of their stamina before thinking that they had already consumed all. All in all, don't trust the system too much. Sometimes, the system would even make changes from time to time.

Ray's thought was now moved on his stats. Earlier his stamina reached the 1st boundary at 25 points. Having 30 points now, he needed 20 more points of stamina to reach the 2nd boundary. Thinking about the 2 available stat points available, right now what he needed the most is the ability to spend the stamina he had more skillfully. And a much faster reaction and movement is what would allow it. Thinking so, he decided that he needed to reach the boundaries of his agility first.

[Consume 2 stat points available to increase agility from 14 -> 16] y/n


[Agility increased! 14 ->16!]

When it comes to boundaries, the stat bonuses from the equipment aren't counted, so with the basic 16 points of agility, the 2 stat bonus from the equipment won't help him in achieving the boundary. Ray currently has 16 points of agility right now and needed 9 more stat points to achieve its 1st boundary.

Done with the stat distribution, Ray now started opening the boxes he received.

[Opening 1 white box] y/n


White light shone, as a can in white aura began appearing in front of Ray. As Ray started seeing more of the details of the item, a hint of nostalgia appeared on his eyes for a moment which soon disappeared.


[Type] Consumable

[Name] The 5 Vigorous Fingers

[Quality] White

[Effect] Recover 1 point of stamina in 5 minutes each time a worm is eaten.

Description: A can of 5 juicy live worms. Perfectly safe to eat.


Ray stored the can on his storage and opened the last box.

[Opening 1 black box] y/n


Opening the black box, two bronze light appeared. No silver lights. As Ray watched the lights with a solemn expression, the lights slowly fades away as a book, and familiar looking item appeared.


[Type] Skill Book

[Name] A man eater's guilt

[Level] 1

[Quality] Bronze

[Active] Turn a part of your body into a wolf to eat a whole person's dead body, satiating your hunger

Description: A demonic skill used in rituals.



[Type] Weapon

[Name] Iron Sword

[Level] 1

[Quality] Bronze

[Durability] 65/65

Option 1: Cutting enhancement +33%

Option 2: Penetration enhancement +33%

Description: A sword, a sword made of iron


Seeing the two items he got, Ray put the skill book immediately into his storage. Skill books too have different types, and the skill book he received belonged to a demonic type of skill book. It was a type of skill book that displays its power by having combinations. For example, the skill book 'A man-eater's guilt' is a part of the ritual set of the demonic skill list, it should probably be a skill required to initiate some of the higher tier demonic skills easier. From what he knows, there was a skill that enables the user to display power from eating other people. Such skills were based from true demons, and many people who used such skills in the past began to even act like one.

Ray currently has zero interest in using the skill book for it doesn't match his method of fighting. But despite it being useless to him, he thought that this skill would probably be useful to someone in the future.

Now moving on to the second item, a smile appeared on Ray's face. Ray thought about how everything seems so convenient. Now that he had a sword, it would make everything easier. The sword's only problem would be its durability, but with his transmutation skill, he could repair it himself.

Holding the sword in his hands, Ray began to swing the sword around, familiarizing himself with the weapon.

Finished, Ray stood up from the bench and started looking in front. It was eerie silent, the screams have already stopped, and the gunshots on the quadrangle outside have long been gone since he heard the sound of a school bus's departure. Closing his eyes, he put his focus on his ears; He could hear the growling of the zombies from the hallways on his sides, the growling of the zombies on the floor below, the sound of gunshots around the city faraway outside, and lastly, he could hear a door being opened above.

On a room somewhere in the 3rd floor of St. Mary's High School's High School building, there are currently 5 people. 2 girls were looking into the windows outside, looking at the walking dead. One bespectacled guy was seated on the right, keeping on clicking the keyboard buttons of his laptop. Another guy was seated on the left; tears were on his eyes, but as if to keep himself from making any noise, he was covering his mouth with his fist. The last person could be found on the center; seated there is a girl with black hair, spinning her phone around on her right hand, her face looked like she was thinking really hard.

"President what should we do?" asked one of the girl looking in the window anxiously. "They have already gone outside using the bus", she continued as she looked for a response from the person sitting on the center.

"There's nothing to do, it's impossible for us to go out in this situation. It's the same situation outside, so I doubt, there's rescue coming any time soon." Said the other girl looking outside, "We should just wait here quietly until those walking corpses fully decomposed", She added.

"I doubt that" said the bespectacled guy in denial, earning the girl with the bob cut's glare. To prove his point the bespectacled guy started to declare his arguments.

"The current situation is outside the realm of our science, voices appearing on our heads, weapons appearing from thin air, and the reanimation of the dead"

"What we should think right now is the worst possible situation, those things are permanent, they might just be on their adaptation stage right now, and would probably start moving and thinking like human too soon, who knows, maybe they can breed and multiply too. With no logical limit, everything is possible"

As the bespectacled guy finished what he wanted to say, his fingers which were typing soon stopped as he began to lean on his chair and began using his hands to massage his face as if exhausted.

"If the worst case is what you wanted, then why didn't you just say that they would soon evolve too like some kind of pokemon until one of them could swallow a country whole?" retorted bob cut girl.

"Heh, what a genius" Hearing bob cut girl's retort, bespectacled guy responded with sarcasm, as he was about to clap his hands to mock her further, he soon stopped bothering bob cut girl for the girl on the center began raising her right hand as if to attract everyone's attention.

When all the eyes on the room were focused to the girl on the center, she started talking.

"Earlier, when those monsters stopped pounding the door, some people were there" She looked into everyone's eyes and then continued.

"I decided that we wait for a person to start talking first, for we don't know if those people are trustworthy or not. Right now, since the country is on a state of crisis, the human mind is easy to become very twisted. So first, I wanted to gauge out their true purpose in a series of question. But no matter how much time passed, they never did"

"When I heard the monsters pounding the door really loud, I already thought by then that we would all die. The length of the door was too wide which made it easier for them to attack. The loud sound of their pounding would soon attract others nearby, and with their tireless body, it was just a matter of time until they'll break in."

"Since the start of their pounding, the only way for us to survive was to wait for a miracle. For some people to appear from the outside and attract the zombies pounding the door. And luckily it did, a miracle occurred. But what happened earlier was clearly different from my expectations, the people outside had not just attracted the zombies, but killed them"

"I've been listening all this time, sounds of something dropping from the floor on two successions sounded first, and then the poundings stopped. Afterwards, the sounds akin to a bat's smash sounded, and each time a sound akin to someone falling on the floor would follow up the next moment, this happened three times in succession. The people was a group of two or more most likely"

"A leading person out there is capable of such feat. That person might have killed the zombies in order to stop them from attracting more zombies here on the third floor. So there is a high chance that the group is currently staying on the third floor right now, making it their base. We need to meet up with them and regroup, they too probably are thinking like us and thought that other people are hard to trust, so they didn't talk. With a person in the lead as cautious as this, I think that cooperation has a high chance of success."

"If we stay here right now, we would soon starve to death so in order to survive, we will soon have to start fighting back those monsters to get supplies, and having a person who knows how to survive is a huge help. They too are human, with just few people; there are things that they couldn't do. So to survive, we should join hands. Not just them, if we found capable and trustworthy people, we should recruit them as much as possible."

"As the people out there could walk courageously, it must mean that the 3rd floor doesn't have that much of those monsters right now. For now we should get ready, were going outside. First we need some preparations…"

She woke up having a great headache, she thought the nightmare she had was really scary it was almost real; her nightmare was about her going to school normally when suddenly his classmate started killing a fellow classmate brutally. Thinking so, she stood up and was about to go cook up breakfast for her little sisters when she suddenly found her surroundings a little weird. As she did so, a really bad feeling came to her, she started to take a look around and soon stood frozen from fear, she wanted to shout but the voice won't come, she just stood rooted on the spot. The nightmare was real, and it appears that the reality was much worse. Thinking so, she realized that she was holding a piece of paper. And there are words written.

Do not shout or all of you will die. Look down from the windows. Zombies. Good luck…

A woman wielding a katana is currently sitting on the floor. Many kinds of packed food that you could found on the convenience store were piled up like a hill in front of her; sandwiches, burgers, pizzas, lasagnas, and many more.

"Hng~,So Delicious!"

Licking some left over lasagna which were on her lips, together with a bright smile on her face made her look really hot and sadistic at the same time. With a blood colored red hair that covers her left eye, her right eye that looks like a cat's looks into the surroundings like a fun playground.

As you zoom out into the place, you could see more than a hundred of corpses on the ground, all of them with no intact heads…