it was a few days later and I asked Oscar "She's gonna leave soon right?" he replied with "I hope so." we heard footsteps again and I ran under the bed. The door opened "I'm hungry!" she said Oscar said "ok I'll go make you something now." she walks out and so does Oscar. I didn't wanna see Oscar go through that so I left and went to the swing set. I heard a familiar voice it was that kid again. Collin said "so. you're here again by yourself?" I nodded my head "It's okay I'll keep you company!" he smiled and sat down. We talked for a good hour or two and I left feeling better. I climbed back through the window and into Oscar's room. He was waiting for me "where did you go?" he asked. He grabbed me and hugged me "you can't keep leaving me!" I hugged back and said I was sorry. I told him I met Collin again and he said "Who is that kid?" I replied "I don't know I met him before your mom got here.". Oscar just looked so worn out so I told him "Go to sleep my love please.". he nodded his head and we laid there and we fell asleep. After a few days Oscar's mom went home. I started running into the Collin kid a lot more then I used to.