Slip Away

"Find out who's the last General that voted." Keira sent a message to John and in a second her phone rang.

Her smile almost reach her ears when she heard the news that it was Zach's vote that let her be admitted to the Academy.

It only meant one thing for her… She's still not a stalker in his eyes.

"We are definitely destined for each other!" She whispered as she couldn't hide her excitement. She even stomped on her feet like she was running but not moving at all because of the butterflies that were rumbling in her stomach.

She did not care at all if someone might have seen her at that moment. She also wanted to scream out of joy but controlled herself of course.

Then the time came when they heard the loudspeaker as all of them were instructed to report at the Main Hall.

Keira was already walking when she felt a hand on her shoulder so she stopped.

It was Vel who seemed to be very timid and barely looked at her with her head slightly down.