Loves You The Most

They soon entered the 'cold' room where a vague cloud of gas gave them a chance to test their masks to be sure that they were sealed properly.

Then they moved into the 'hot' room where they would remove their masks and would be exposed to the full effects of the gas.

"Alright, listen up. Lieutenant Jang will do a demo for you guys, as he will take off the mask, raise his arm and recite the soldier's creed and go out. Watch carefully how it's properly done," said Zach and his words made Torin's face to crumple.

Zach added, "Remember that you must put your left hand on the shoulder of the soldier in front of you. You have to hold onto your comrade in front of you. It's your comrade who's going to guide you out and once you are out, raise your arms and flap it like a bird! Do not touch your face or eyes. Understand?"

"Aye, General!" Answered the soldiers.

"Lieutenant Jang, on my mark, remove the mask. Ready, remove!" Instructed Zach.