
Zach was out from the private room to get some fresh air at the hospital's garden early in the morning.

He felt relieved that his grandfather's sickness was found early. He had a sudden heart attack and as he saw his grandpa unconscious, he couldn't help but recall how his dad died.

Unlike before, they were so much more capable now and his grandfather's sickness could be addressed properly and in due time.

He would undergo angioplasty after lunch to restore the blood flow in his artery.

The pain was worse when you couldn't do anything, but just helplessly watch your loved one suffer. Though he was restless, because until he saw his grandfather back to his lively self again, he couldn't sleep properly.

He let out a long, deep sigh of relief because he knew everything will be alright soon.


Keira's mobile phone rang and John reported that Zach was out in the garden of the hospital.