Become A Beast **

'Drey, you're looking a lot like an idiot right now!' Drey chided himself silently. Cielo's last words had been drumming into his ears and in his head…'Pick up that towel? And cover her naked body? Or take her fully on their bed and enjoy the pleasure that can be shared together as husband and wife?'

'So what is it going to be now, Drey?' he contemplated while Cielo continued to stroke his already erect manhood with her gentle and sensual touch, further kindling the fire that had already been ignited inside of him. Cielo had grown impatient, so she exclaimed at him in annoyance, "What are you waiting for!? You don't want this!? You have the right to take me right now and I am giving you permission to do so! Am I not attractive enough for you? Are you really a man, Drey!?"