
Keira and Zach were just discharged from the hospital and were going to their apartment building when Keira noticed they were heading in the wrong direction.

"Jim, are we stopping by somewhere first?" Keira asked.

"Yes, Madam. Field Marshal Chan instructed me to drop you off at this place first," Jim answered.

Keira nodded and looked through the car window. They were still in the city, for sure, but the road they were on had started to become a quiet one, with lush green trees by the roadsides.

If her deductions were correct, this would lead them to the new and esteemed neighborhood, nestled on the outskirts of the city. It was making a name as one of the affluent and wealthiest residential areas, which boasted a quiet and peaceful area surrounded by nature reserves. Many of the wealthiest people in their country, even from the neighboring states, owned a house there.

"No way," Keira gasped excitedly.