More Weight**

"Hmm… You seem to be getting along well with Grandma. You've been spending a lot of time with her recently. Sometimes, even more than what you spend with me," murmured Keira as soon as Zach entered their room.

Zach had indeed been spending a lot of time with his grandmother lately. He would go to his grandmother's room as soon as he came home from work. Keira was not jealous or anything, but she was worried.

She noticed that Old Madam Liu seemed to prefer Zach and her over Jeru and Thea. A week or two would be understandable, but prolonging it would be unfair.

She was sitting on their bed, reading a book, when Zach entered their room. He walked toward her with a sexy smile.

"Why? Do you miss me?" He asked as he sat beside Keira and nuzzled up against her.

"What are you reading?" Zach asked as he rested his chin on Keira's shoulder.