Force marriage

At General Feng house

General Feng telling his daughter Jane that his best friend wants Jane to marry his son. His friend is General Li and his son is also a general. He also explained that because they made promises to let their children married when the children grow up. Then Jane says "but dad I had never seen your friend son before. How can you make me marry someone who I don't even know." Jane dad replied with a smile "you know him very well". After hearing her dad she stand there with a confuse face thinking "when do I know somebody from the military."

The next morning, General Li and his wife come to talk to Jane mom and dad about the wedding. Jane come down from her room with a confused face and looking at her parent. And next to General Li was the guy that she will be marrying Li Chen. Jane dad saw Jane and introduce her to the Li family "General this is my daughter Feng Li Mo". Jane adds with a smile "you can just call me Jane." Jane dad continued "this is General Li my best friend you can call him uncle an the one sit next to him is Li Chen the one you will be married to. The one to his left is his wife you can also call her aunt." Jane look at Li Chen and thinking that she had saw him somewhere but can't remember.

Li Chen dad says "the reason why I want Jane to marry my son is because in a few months he will have to stay in the military for at least 2 to 3 years because we don't know when the war will start. And we want someone to go and take care of our son. I know that it will be danger for Jane to stay at the military but since she smart and know a little bit about medical she can help Li Chen." He continued "if the war started early than Li Chen might get to come home before the date they assign." Jane was wondering why they would choose her to be Li Chen wife. Li Chen was sitting there quietly and just saying one sentence "I hope this wedding can do in private". Without any complain they do the wedding in private without inviting anybody. At the night of their wedding, Jane can't fall asleep because she keeps having a nightmare about what happened 8 years ago.