Don’t Worry I’m Here

Before they set off Jane take some medicine so she won't have car sickness on this trip. She and Li Chen get in the car but Jane feel like someone staring at her as she enter the car. But she didn't know that it was Jake looking at her like he want to go and snatch her away form Li Chen. as the car set off Jane mom called "my dear how are you doing I hear you was sick the other day and I just hear from your dad this morning that you guy will to S city to prepare for the coming war." Jane replies "I'm fine now still have that nightmare but everything fine now. It all thanks to Li Chen who had been taking care of me. And today we will be going to S city and when I arrive I will call you." "Don't forgot to drink water and eat the medicine for your car sickness. I'm very worry about you even though you have Li Chen by your side I'm still worry" Jane mom replied with worry. Jane continued to talk with her mom until they pass H city.

As they going Jane car sickness is getting worse and worse but she didn't want Li Chen to worry about her because he already the war to worry and she didn't want him to worry about her too. She whisper to Lilith to see if she bring the medicine she give to her this morning. But Lilith forgot and she left on the table this morning when she getting her luggage ready. She ask Jeff to stop the car and as soon as the car stop she ran outside to throw up because she can not hold it anymore. Li Chen come out to see if she okay but her face is getting pale. It different from this morning but since she don't want him to worry, she ask Lilith to give her a sleeping pills so she can just sleep through the trip. So she won't have the car sickness and the nightmare because she usually eat sleeping pill when she forgot her car sickness medicine. Li Chen was very worry about having Jane taking sleeping pill because she hasn't eat anything the medicine might be very strong for her. But Jane smile at him and says that he don't have to worry about her she had Lilith with her. Lilith can take care of her when she sleep. Even though he worry he let Jane take the medicine and they went back to the car. Soon after she fall asleep but her eye brown keep frowning. It seem like she having a nightmare so he take her hand and hold tightly and says "don't worry I'm here. Don't be scared I will protect you with my life."