I Promise

In the morning, Jane and Li Chen head to the meeting. On their way to the meeting she saw Anna but she didn't know her but Anna has been following them. She whisper to Li Chen but he didn't seem to care and just go straight to the meeting. Li Chen tell all the soldiers about the plan and assign each person their position. He want 3 group to help watch the entrance to see when the Zu soldiers are coming. Those 3 group will take turn to watch. Li Chen and Jeff will camp out 30 minutes away from the entrance and 1 hour from the military base just in case the Zu soldiers attack then he and Jeff can help. But this time he didn't want Jane to go with him because the enemy can attack at any time. So he want her to stay behind and help the injured soldier that goes to help in K city.

Li Chen went back to their room and get his stuff ready to set off. Jane follow him back to their room but in her mind she was worry about him. No matter how good he is, there are thousands of soldiers and they only have 5 hundreds soldiers. He won't be able to handle them by himself. Li Chen pack some necessary item and went the car. As Li Chen get in the car he roll the window down and tell Jane to take care of herself when he away. Jane says "you have to protect yourself. I know you love your country more then your life but remember that you still have one person waiting for you to comeback safely." Li Chen replies as he kiss Jane forehead "don't worry I promise you that I will comeback safely. But if something happen remember to call Captain Xu to send more soldiers." She nodded and then Li Chen car set off.

As soon as he get to his site group one has sent a message saying "General the Zu soldiers had start attacking the entrance gate". Li Chen tell Jeff "you stay here if I didn't make it back then you can go back to the city and wait for me there. In three days if you don't here from our people then go ask help from M city and call Captain Xu to send more soldiers." Jeff replies "what happen if Miss Jane ask about you. If she know you stay behind she will definitely come looking for you." Li Chen says "tells her that I will go back and find her after everything settle here. Also, tell her that she has to finish the task I give her before I come here in 3 days." Jeff nodded and then he went to the entrance gate and one of the soldier tell him "it seem like someone had know about our plan". Li Chen thinking in his mind "so it seem like the spy already start sending the message. Uhm interesting." The Zu soldiers had start attacking the entrance and many soldiers had die and 10 injured. It been a day since the Zu soldiers has been attack. Jeff had wait for Li Chen for a day and haven't see Li Chen comeback so he went back to the military base.

He tells everyone what Li Chen has tell him and after he tell everyone Jane ask Jeff "how about Li Chen? Is he safe? How far from here to there I go find him." "Miss calm down, Master had says that if he didn't make it back. Then we have to wait for 3 days and if there no signal we can send soldier to help him." Then he pull Jane to the side and whisper to Jane "master says you have to stay here and finish the tasks he assign to you in 3 days". Jane nodded and then Jeff go and call Captain Xu.