How Is She?

Outside the emergency door Li Chen walk back and forth wondering how Jane. As he walking back and forth he saw Jane mom and dad along with his parent walk toward him. Jane mom ask "how Jane? What did the doctor say? How deep is the wound?" Jane dad says "if you ask him that much question he can't answer you all at once." Then Li Chen answer "the doctor haven't come out yet. The nurse kept running in and out from the emergency. I'm it been 2 hour since they started. The doctor should be coming out soon." As soon as he finish saying that the doctor come out. "How is she? Is she okay now. Is she still in danger? When will Jane move out of the emergency room" Li Chen asked? The doctor replied "we have take out the bullet but the bullet hit very near her heart. Lucky that she come to the hospital on time if not she could had been death by now." The doctor continued "as for now she have to stay in the emergency room until tomorrow morning to see if injury getting worse or better. If it getting better than we can move her to a regular room and also for now only one or two visitor can visit at a time. " After telling them everything the doctor leave and Li Chen went in the visit Jane. He hold onto Jane hand and says "you have to be okay. If anything happen to you I can't continued living. I already lost you once and now since I found you again I wouldn't let anything happen to you." After staying with Jane for a while he went out and Jane parent come in to visit her. Li Chen stay outside with his parent but his tears won't stop falling. Li Chen mom says as she hold onto Li Chen hand "Jane is a good girl god will protect her. They won't let anything happen to her. Don't worry she will get will soon."

Inside the emergency room Jane mom cry as she says "you silly girl why you didn't take good care of yourself..... if I known that something will happen to you I won't let you go with Li Chen. I known that you love him very much that you have a car accident because of him but you should take care of your life to." "Don't worry the doctor already says that our daughter is out of danger for now. And also the accident you can't blame on Li Chen he our son-in-law. He will also want to protect her and didn't want to put her in danger but what can he do when you at war" Jane dad says. After visiting Jane they come out and Jane mom go to Li Chen and asked him.m

"I know you have love Jane since high school but why did cheat on her. She was waiting for you to comeback from the military and she was very excited every time she received your letters. But one day she suddenly received a letter saying that you had already had a girlfriend and that Jane should not wait for you." Her dad added "Then she ran out and saying that she want to go find you and hear straight from your mouth saying that you have a girlfriend. But she didn't know your address so she go asked Jake to take her because he was train at the same military as you but got discharge early. But who know Jake and his girlfriend had already made a plan to kill Jane."