Fighting The Nightmares

Noah's pov:

Walking in to the King's Estate to go over a security detail with Amanda until the threat has left the country will I ease up on Amanda. I hired her for Akarana due to her fast responses and fighting skills that will help Akarana and her son Adam to be able to move past the trauma and be able to defend themselves without having a panic attack and sending them both to hospital. As I rounded the corner with my extent training equipment I found Amanda sitting on the bottom of the stairs with a worried look on her face that had me stop automatically "Everything all right?," I asked as I place the equipment to the side of the stairs "We had a meeting with the Black Brothers and there lawyer about a new venture that seemed to go really good when Mr Red placed in envelope in front of her that stopped her dead in her tracks. She read whatever was in there and just got up and walked out, that she nearly forgot me, so I jumped in the passenger side and we came home. She locked herself in her room and hasn't come out. she was spaced out, her face looked frightened and stressed I don't know what happened," Amanda spoke as she stared at me with concern written on her face "I will check on her and need you to do your training and some studying as I have a fair idea what was in the envelope," I spoke as got Amanda all set up with the help of Robert the head guard in the King's Estate before I made my way upstairs, knocking on the door to Akarana room when Robert had unlocked it for me at my insistence.

Stepping inside I saw her sobbing her heart out on the floor while trying to rip out her blonde tresses from the scalp that I gently slid my arms under her and lifted her to place her on the bed where she seemed to quiten down and as she lured herself to sleep. As I turned to leave I seen the envelope on the ground and opened it to reveal the legal document she had drawn up to remove that asshole of his parental rights and seen a letter that was handwritten and I couldn't believe what the contents said that made my blood boil.

For years I watched her grow into a beautiful young lady who had a bad tendency to attack females who would circle her brothers, the most straight up person who had an answer for everything and was just as good at sport as her brothers and this nobody come out of nowhere destroyed her in five years. Isolated her, beat her to an inch of her life and started physically abusing his young son who was just as traumatized as his mother. I seen the extent of her injuries she had sustained when she left and the investigation we got from the local doctors that had treated her over the years and the way they did not help her or seek any charges against him as they were receiving anonmous large sums of money anytime they treated her or her son that I had unearth the files that they hid this and traced it back to a bank who also helped them launder money through a business that no longer existed but was still operating in the area.

I dragged every little detail that I needed to help with my investigation to get the little cockroach and his bandits to cut their business at the balls. I ran this through both Raniera and Quinn that we had a legal standing to have asshole tried and hopefully committed and then once we have him and all his friends we will hit then hard and fast they will never see the light of day. I have gained these skills through being a security technician who has a military background as my father placed me in there to learn how to defend myself and help build his business up over the course of my years. Exiting the room, I had made my way back down stairs where the Amanda was with Adam running through the daily train. ,"Noah, did something happen?," Mrs King's voice floated towards me as I turned in her direction "I'm not quite sure, but she's resting now," I said as I answered her as honestly as I could. As we both watched the little boy in front of us move his stance around more confidently that it was such an amazing thing to see his mothers fighting spirit come out. Adam focused all his energy on the task and seemed to be indulging in it the best he knew how and his poses became faster and harder that sweat dripped down his hair. "He has achieved a lot since being here," Mrs King had spoken as she set up his snacks and juice for when he is finished, "He talks and laughs so he's come along way," I replied from the quiet, well behaved child who I had first met. The boy was so recluse his mother had to be here before he would even lift his head, the marks that marred his skin had almost disappeared and the once shy little boy, had now lifted his hazel blue eyes to everyone who spoke to him. His concentration was solely focused on Amanda and every jab, swing or side step she gave to try out step him, he matched her step by step "He reminds us of Raniera when he was young, his stance and his seriousness that he portrays but as soon as one of his uncle's step in to train with him, he lacks confidence and refuses to know tow with them.," Mrs King eyes turn sad as she speaks of her grandson. The King's refuse to let their grandson train without one present and usually it is Mrs King during training. She just sits and watches and sometimes starts yelling encouraging words at her grandson to help him build the confidence he now has. Some times you see the light in his eyes when he's in momentum and then Amanda has to quickly readjust her stance before he knocks her down and once he has her down he stops and then turns towards his grandmother who is shining with pride that she automatically sweeps him up and just hugs him tightly until he feels better. In those times his grandmother is always there to comfort him and let him cry it out so that he knows it's to make him better understand his trauma and his triggers.

As Amanda pack all her gears away and they both just lie there catching their breath, I am amazed at the quiet aura around Adam that I admire his strength and his limits that even Mrs King fills his drink bottle up with ice cold juice for him and passed another drink bottle to Amanda so that they just let their bodies cool down before they head our way. "Where is Raana?," Sebastian and Lucas walk in asking "Someone is here to speak with her?," that got everyone's attention "Did you at least ask who it is?," Mrs Kings voices as she stood up making her way to the door with Amanda right behind her the only one who didn't follow was Adam. Turning to him, "You okay," I asked as I offered my hand to help him up, "Is mummy home?," he asked as I hoisted from the ground "Yes, she wasn't feeling to well so Amanda brought her home, she's resting," I spoke as he seemed to be lost in thought "Do you think that my father will find us?," Adam asked I was taken aback as he hasn't mentioned anything to do with him since coming here "yes and no buddy," I said as I sat us down and pulled his chair next to mine, "He can enter the country and he can look as much as he likes but he can't get close to you or your mum. We have a security system that is what we use to keep everyone in your family safe and what it does is alert us at all times, who enters your home, your mummy's business, your mum's office surroundings, come Ile show you,"I said as I walked through the back into Roberts office that conjoins into the security system room the surveillance all the King's property's including Adams school which happens to be surrounded by the establishments owned by the King's. "So do you think that mummy and I are safe here?," Adam asked as he took in his surroundings and watched the little monitors that display most of the buildings he has come accustomed too. "Yes I do believe that your safety is better here then anywhere else until we are able to guarantee your safety a hundred percent, this is your best place surrounded by your family. Your mother is a very protected person and although she wasn't protected before your mum only realised the importance of your safety was to come home and let your uncle's take over so that she can heal and you can heal," I spoke as calmly and honest as I could when dealing with Adam because his understanding of things is amazing. He understands the importance of his safety more then any child at his age could. He nods as I explain what I can in his way to not confuse him.

"Hey little man we were looking for you," Lucas comes in announcing his presence as we turn in his direction "I was just talking with uncle Noah," Adam spoke as he followed his uncle out towards the guest that were talking to Sebastian since Mrs King was standing there with a frown as she stared the guest up and down "Whose this?," I asked as I walked in taking note of the atmosphere "Jade Preston from high and low law firm," Lucas answered as he then caught me up to date with this visitor when a voice broke out "Tell her too leave," Akarana voice rang out from above us all, as she stood against the railing staring down at us all.

Akarana pov:

All I can hear is voices like they're in my room when I opened my eyes and realised on was no longer on the floor. As my eyes adjusted to my surrounding I laid there and could hear my brother's voice talking one at time and hear my mother interject here and there. when an unfamiliar voice spoke that I got up out of bed and went to investigate and as I stood there taking in my family, as I spotted the lawyer I met today and could just see her there fired up and speaking to both my brothers "Tell her too leave,'" I spoke as my eyes landed on the rude person standing in my house like I won't touch her, as I seen Robert step into the room "Escort her out please Rob," I spoke when he nodded, then step forward escorting her out, when my mother's voice broke the silence "That was different," she spoke as she walked away, "Adam, come here," I spoke as I spotted my son standing next to Noah who had their heads together talking to each other that when I spoke both heads turned in my direction that I see Noah softly talk to Adam who looked at me then back to Noah while nodding his head and made his way to me that my eyes stared at Noah with curiosity as my son does not speak to anyone outside of my family that I hadn't realised that he was staring back at me as if I could feel his look through my entire being that I had forgotten what it felt like. As Adam reached my side I turned towards my son leading him inside the room while analysing what I had just witnesses. "Hop in the shower first my love, Ile hope after you," I spoke as I started gathering his pajamas getting ready him ready for dinner then to bed..I have had this routine since he could understand so that it worked out better for us without me constantly nagging him. He caught on quick at three years old when he witness his father's cruelty and violence that I made a safety box for my son when I would be unable to help my son I made a safety box for my son to be go to and it started as a game. He wouldn't cry, he would just lie down and close his eyes, or he would play in it and just stay until I called out to him. My one time I had been viciously attacked by Kane that I was bleeding from my nose and mouth that when I opened my eyes I had seen the horror on my son's face as tears streamed down his face, when I remember Kane smacking him across the face because he cried and was trying not scream but as soon as Kane's hand hit him my son wailed so his father hit him again and my son lost consciousness that my brain kicked in and my motherly instincts took over that before he could touch him again I managed to reach my son pull him towards me and check that he was breathing. I knew then and there that I wasted years of my life for someone who was not worthy of anything. I seen his chest move and felt his breath on my face, I realised then that I needed my son more then I needed Kane so I made it my mission to get us out and fast. As I seen the subtle changes in my son, I watch how his interaction with people have improved and how he is more sociable now then when we were with Kane. I accepted a lot of the blame while I was isolated and barely living, I had come to terms with my decision until I seen my son in that state that really hurt my heart and soul. My instincts kicked in and I was really careful of Adams safety that I never left him with his father,due to my home life I told my job that at times I would have to take Adam with me to work as I had an office to myself. I opened me another bank account, I have always locked my passport up in safe along with Adams to keep my identity safe due to my family background. I also kept money there for emergencies and that came in handy.

I had saved enough to get us an upgraded apartment closer to my job, when Kane came home with a foul attitude and teared the house apart and found a portion of the money I had remaining from my wages and flew into a rage. He needed more money to place a buy in for the next shipment but that would leave us in arrears for rent, without food and our electricity will get shut off if we don't put some money on it. I used every bit of money I earned to keep my son in home with power, water and food but Kane was beyond reason today and slammed the door leaving us without food or electricity for the next three days. I felt helpless and resigned to my fate that I just forgot who I was and who I was meant to be. I became a shell of my former self, I looked like a broken person and barely looked recognizable to anyone who knew me. I was sad, scared out of mind and just absolutely terrified. As the beatings became worst, he would beat me til I was unconscious, beat me with the closest thing he could reach and degrade me to the point I started believing the words. I did what I knew I could do and started packing new clothes for us both and placed it in a locker at work. I started splitting my finances in half and keeping some cash stored away, I picked the days that I would attempt to do this and stuck to my goal. Keeping Adams routine as standard as possible, as normal as I could without raising suspicion and just repeating myself over and over by reminding myself of my aim, to get Adam out safely and unharmed. I started hiding small things in the house in things that blended with the furniture such as hiding Adams birth certificate behind a photo that is in a photo album. Hid my spare ATM card in a photo frames with Kane and his closest friends without it looking obvious. Hiding a spare key to my car, taped underneath the last utensil draw in the kitchen, keeping myself without drawing too much attention and memorizing important phone numbers including the area code and the time difference. At work i had a map and the area codes for my family so I slowly learnt it too keep me going. "I'm done mama your turn," Adams voice floated towards snapping me back into the present. Standing up, I headed to the shower and took my time as I tried to put my thoughts in order. I was so drained from earlier that for a moment I had forgotten what I had received today and with that in mind I walked out of the shower and into my closet when I spotted Adam sitting at the end of the bed waiting for me. "Are you okay mama?," my gorgeous son asked I couldn't help but hold on my tears "Yes baby, I received a letter to ensure your safety, I wanted to talk with you about it and see how you feel?," I questioned as softly as I could "what is it?," I said as I handed adam the signed form, "I got it today and wanted to talk to you about it, I got this done a few weeks ago and now it's signed," I spoke as I stared at my son "What does it say?," He asked as I had his full attention, "That daddy can't touch us anymore," I spoke as I watched his little brain absorb what I was explaining "I am your only legal parent. It's now just you and I," I spoke as my son slowly stared at me "Will he ever leave us alone?," my son's face didn't look to convinced and I knew that I put that doubt in his mind "I promise that I will always put you first, I will always ask of your opinions and to protect you with my life in this life and the next," I hugged my son and just let the tears flow ," I got you, mama, I can keep us safe," my precious treasure spoke as he wiped my tears and I definitely believe him. I knew there was something about Adam that made him appear more mature then his age, I was gonna find out where his father was at all times for my own piece of mind.