BIG Brother Vs Ashton

Ashton : I want to marry Echo

BB ( Steve ) : No you can't

Ashton: why ??

Bb : Because i heard you made her cry yesterday ,SO NO YOU CAN'T

Ashton : that was happy tears , She cried beacuse I proposed to her

BB : is it true ??

Ashton : yes , 100% true

BB : Damn that shrezzz ... she made a fool of me again

Ashton : I KNEW IT

Ash and Steve go to find Shezz in her room

Ash : Get up you evil devil

Shezz : What noww ??

Ash : how dare you lie to Steve

Shezz : i did not , I only said half the story

Steve and ash : Fu*k you

shezz : Steve say that again and i will make you disappear from the story permanently

Steve:... * gulp *

Steve runs away with is tail between his legs

Ash : * flips the chair*


Ash : *flips the table*

Shezz : ...

Echo : Baby , why are you troubling my friend ?

Ash : No angel i wasn't.. I was .. i Was

Echo: I was . what ?? Now come on you have to wash your underwears they smell so bad .. eww

Ash runs away in embarrassment..

Echo winks at Shezz [Sis Code ]


Ashton : 😓🤐😭

Shrezz : 😎😎

Echo : 😝👼




As you see my deadliest weapon against Ash was ready so made this

this was your surprise

tell me how you liked it ( i will write Ash Vs author after end of Volume 1 )

thank you for your support
