New Life

Ashton Pov

I open my eyes and look at the clock , It's 12pm

I look at my Echo , she looks quite peaceful and calm , I always want her to sleep this way

I have to prepare a light lunch for her and look over Tiger so he does his job

" Tiger , are all the file signed ? "

" yeah Ash , I also cancelled all your recordings and concert "

" Nice , why are you so efficient and happy today ? "


" I am sorry I am too inconsiderate towards you when you should be with your mate"

"It's fine , she is with me "

" HEY ! Not on my table "

" Fine "

" how is steeve ? "

" He is taking over Red blood pack and will move back there this afternoon "

" good for him "

" How is luna ? "

" She is good now , quite comfortable with me "

" nice , ok take care bye "

" bye and REMEMBER Not on my table "

"Fine "

I go down quite happily , that table I was talking about is my work desk , Why I said not in there is because it's for me and my luna not them

i prepare a simple digestible porridge and a protein shake

I hear a small yawn and that's my signal to go and wake up my angel

She looks at me and smiles .. That's new


" You want to say something baby , you know you don't have to hesitate "

" I want to change " oh maybe my shirt is not that comfortable

" Ok , do you want my formal shirts I though tees were more comfy "

" No.. not the clothes " i question her to continue

" I want to become stronger and beautiful "

This line made my day , I am so happy my ANgel is really strong

" you will , But your already so pretty "

she blushes and shows a small pout .. So cute

" Scars .."

" They will go once I mark you "

" I want to learn to read and write "

" I can teach you that "

" I want to love you back "

" of course , I ca... WAIT WHAT ?? " i was answering yes to her every wish and i just realised what she said

I go near her and kiss her cheeks and say " You already do that don't you "

she smiles , I kiss her cheeks again

but suddenly she holds my collar and leans in and kisses me on my lips

i am really shocked

but I put my arms around her and kiss her back gently

she smiles as she goes back " I loved the taste " i just want to make her blush

Yes and I see that blush soon

" But If you ever break my trust , I am never coming back to you "

she sounds so dominating I love her new found confidence

" then your never leaving me " she looks quite happy , I peck her lips 3 or 4 times

then pick her up to the dining room place her on the table

I bring my porridge and protein shake

I feed her spoon by spoon

she stops my hand and asks " Did you have breakfast ? "

" ... No "

"Idiot " she says , then she gets scared and continues " Sorry ..I "

I peck her lips and say " your idiot " she smiles back

she completes her porridge and protein drink

I pick her up and was about to climb the stairs to our room

She points at the kitchen

"you want to go to the kitchen , Fine "

I place her on the sledge

" eat something " she commands at me ... Oh I am changing the nickname she is not angel but a domineering queen

" yes my lady " she giggles a bit

I take the porridge and eat it

" Isn't it too bland for you ? "

" I can eat anything other than crabs it's fine even if it's burnt or uncooked "

" Oh .. "

" Do you want to go to red blood ? " i ask her

but she starts freaking out before i complete the sentence

I peck her lips and she looks at me

" Listen to me babe , I wanted to ask do you want to go there and bring anything here ? "

" No .. "

" okay then , Steve is going there and taking over the pack "

" Kelvin ? "

" I removed him from the post " i can't say I killed him she may get scared

" Just kill him , he doesn't deserves to live ".... wait? who is she ? she is like a big lion

" Ok i lied , he is already dead , I didn't want you to get scared "

" No i am fine and I needed the square box with tail "

"square box with tail ?? " what the hell is it

" it produces sound once both tails are into ears , Alice gave it to me "

" oh.. , ok I will ask him to bring it back before late night " she is talking about Ipod maybe

guess Alice was good to her

" okay .." i reply

" you are an Alpha , right ? " she asks

" yes " i reply

" You are not strict and angry " she says looking quite confused

" My dad always told me to treat people how they treat others , i am strict and angry with wrong people "

" oh .. " she said not quite responsive

But still I am happy because any normal person or wolf would be suicidal or depressed but my angel is strong

so this day marks the beginning of her ' new life ' ..

Her ' new life ' with me


so here is a chapter

from here maybe I won't use Pov type and take the basic narrative type

please suggest which style you prefer


NEXT update in 6 hours

NEXT CHAPTER : fated to love
