Tick Tock

Arth went silent at the sight of multiple death eaters surrounding him with a cold gaze. His watched was a minute away from 0.

"So what do you think, Arthur Kingscrown? Is my brilliant plan worthy enough to defeat you?" Said Tom with a maniacal grin. "Oh how long I awaited the moment you would fall at my hands."

Arth ignored the creepy Tom Riddle as he glanced at each of the death eaters surrounding him individually.

Each time his gaze flickered over a death eater, they would unnaturally flinch and avoid his gaze.

After a moment of silence, if you exclude the mentally ill Tom, Arth said, "so how far deep has the Death Eaters infiltrated the Ministry of Magic?"

Tom riddle stopped his speech that Arth was not paying attention to and narrowed his eyes.

"What do you mean by that?"

Arth pointed to a figure to his right.

"Walden Macnair, executioner for the Ministry of Magic. I never did forgive you for trying to kill the Hippogriff."

Arth pointed to another two people standing next to each other. "Crabbe and Goyle. You two made me wish that I could chuck every single one of your family members into Azkaban when I raided your house and got attacked by a murdered maiden mirror. Who the hell puts a cursed artifact in the guest bedroom?"

Arth finally reached his gaze to the last death eater of notable figure. A hooded figure holding a distinguishable cane.

"Finally, Lucius Malfoy."

Arth let out a smirk. "The amount of times I've seen him in the ministry with that stupid cane of his. A wand embedded into a cobra cane? What a disgusting taste in aesthetics."

Voldemort frowned as he held at his had towards Tom. "Give me my wand, younger self. I shall end this fool right here and now. He knows too much."

Tom shrugged as he tossed a wand at Voldemort and took out a different wand. "Alright. I got myself a new wand anyways. I always wanted a dragon heartstring wand anyways."

Arth let out a frown.

"You can't even use magic here anyways. Why take out your wands?"

"Better be safe then sorry," said Tom with a sneer. "I can never underestimate your abilities. You probably have a way to get rid of an anti magic barrier."

Arth shrugged.

"I can't take down an anti magic barrier, but I do have other means."

Arth quickly grabbed his watch that was a few seconds away from counting down to zero and threw it up into the air.

The watch quickly burst into golden flames as a cry of a pheonix rang out and several figures appeared in the air.

"It seems there were some problems with the third trial."

"This is all because of your lack of information."

"Shut up you brute. You disgrace me with your presence."

"We have arrived, master."

Dementors had arrived.