Mission Half Complete

Carson quickly moved into the room. He slowly scanned the room, praying to God there wasn't anyone inside. It seemed God was shining on him today as the place was just as empty as outside. Large crates stacked around the room with a large wooden table in the center of the room with four chairs around the table. In one of the corners, there was another door leading deeper into the building. Carson quickly went to the door, pushing it open to find a hallway that beckoned him deeper into the building. He threw himself against the wall and slowly inched his way down the hallway. As he made his way to the turn, he slowed down before poking his head around the corner to check it out. Seeing it again clear, all Carson could think of was that the security here really was super slack...

But, that worked out all the best for Carson that these thieves were careless in guarding their base. He didn't need this to be any more challenging than it was. Carson was quite sure that he could storm the building and take down most of them with his original build before they even realized that they were under attack. But with his current body to fight, more than one adult was already wishful thinking. While all his skills were still there, it didn't mean he was still that strong. He simply didn't have the physique to land heavy blows. He would need to hit them 4-5 times to accomplish what one strike had previously completed. So Carson was really hoping he didn't have to fight right now.

Well, no matter he was already deep in the building, if he had to fight, then he would fight. That was all there was to it. Carson moved quickly down the hall until he saw the kitchen. There was simply one problem; the kitchen wasn't empty. From the entrance, Carson could hear somebody chopping away at something and the smell of food. Carson patiently waited outside the door as he waited until the chopping sound stopped. Rushing inside while the person on the other end was holding a knife was something Carson planned to avoid. Eventually, the chopping died down as you could hear the cook inside move around, perhaps looking for something. Believing him to be distracted, Carson moved to enter the kitchen. Pushing open the door quickly, Carson raced inside to see the cook with his back turned to the door. His hands rapidly went through a cabinet, his mind distracted. The cook was relatively small with a skinny frame. His head tilted up as he looked through the cabinet, searching for something.

Identifying his target Carson quickly took action as he dashed up and struck the back of the cook's knees, causing him to buckle and fall to his knees as the strike caught him off guard. Seizing the opportunity, Carson grabbed a fistful of his hair and smashed his head off the corner of the nearby table. Seeing that the cook was still conscious after that, Carson grabbed his head once again and smashed it against the table a couple more times for good measure. Blood poured out of his temple, where his head met the table. The cook's green eyes glazed over as his brain was rattled from the hits. Seeing his hits do the job, Carson released the cook as he slumped to the ground, unconscious. Having taken out his only obstacle, Carson quickly started to look around for something he could take away. His eyes quickly found a couple of loaves of bread and a whole ham waiting to be sliced up. Seeing all he needed, Carson rushed to look around for a bag to place everything. The best he could find was a large piece of brown cloth. Laying the fabric out, Carson stacked two loaves of bread and a whole ham in the middle before quickly wrapping it around a broom to make a hobo sack. Having found food, Carson decided to stop pressing his luck and make an exit. But before leaving, he needed to do something about the cook. If they found him too early, he may not have enough time to leave, so he had to hide him somewhere.

Carson looked around before settling on a large barrel. The barrel smelled of beer, but it was empty now, so it was perfect. Carson struggled a bit lifting the cook, but he eventually managed to fit in the barrel. The barrel with the top closed off blended perfectly with the kitchen. With a quick mop and as long as the cook doesn't wake up, It should be quite some time before they notice something is wrong. With the clean-up work all done, Carson grabbed his hobo sack before returning back where he came from, hoping to escape out the huge bay doors again before pigging out.

Carson made his way back into the bay area before a wagon with 4 horses tied to it came screeching in. Carson barely had time to dive behind some crates to hide before the doors on the carriage opened, and people quickly rushed out.