WebNovelBLOOD WAR71.43%


Kai Decided to first figure out the personality and if possible the special abilities of his opponents, so he wont be caught unprepared on the day of the blood war. He made a move during the night time to take advantage of his stealth abilities. His power allows him to smell 100 times better than an average human. He can also see things behind thick objects and its being shown as different colors which represents its motive, mood or intent. He's still struggling in controlling his wolf form at night since the moonlight affects his powers greatly. His speed, agility, and overall power becomes doubled when the sun sets.

He visited the town nearby for Intel gathering. He saw some clothes hanging outside a small house and decided to take it since the only set of clothes he have been using are the same blood drenched garments he wore when he ran away. He transformed into his wolf form since his padded wolf like feet allows him to move without leaving any trace. As he walked slowly to take the jeans and the jacket from the cloth hanger, he also decided to eavesdrop on the current local news as the family watches TV. "On today's news, hundreds of corpses are reportedly missing from the town of Tartarus, Investigations are still being conducted to find who or what may have been the motive of this dreadful act." said the news anchor. "Yesterday frozen bodies, now missing corpses? What the heck is happening nowadays" Said the man which he presumes is the father on this household. "I believe its those cult groups again in their rituals and practices" said the teenage boy." Are you kidding me? These are works of monster! No cult stuff can do that. So y'all should be careful nowadays, if you see anything fishy at school? Give me a ring right away alright?" The kids nodded slowly.

Kai took the clothes and went to a nearby river to take a bath first while he thinks about what he have heard."frozen bodies and stolen corpses, I guess I'm up against a magician of some sort " He said as he runs to the river. When he finally reached the river, he changed back into his human form and took a deep breath to appreciate the nature surrounding him. Its been a while since he has been out of his cave for this long, so he plans to take a long and relaxing bath. He took off his old clothes and began swimming. "Woah.. this water feels so good!" he said to himself. It's his first time swimming during night time in a river, yet even though he's all alone. He knows what whatever happens or whichever appears from the river, either supernatural or extra terrestrial there is absolutely nothing which can surprise him after all that happened.

He shut his eyes to further relax as he floats through the river. A smile peaked from his lips as he reminisce. The only thing that makes him smile nowadays are his memories with his best pals. He thought to himself that if this blood war turned him to a blood thirsty beast, then resurrecting his friends should not be a problem. He opened his eyes and gazed upon the beauty of the night sky, and he saw the north star Polaris. It's Selah's favorite star and it made him wonder how she's been doing after all that happened (SIGH) I miss her so much. His thoughts got interrupted when all of a sudden he heard an agonizing scream "HELP!!!". He faced the direction from where the scream came from and his wolf senses tells him that its about a kilometer away from his location. "HELP ME!!!"