
"Welcome to Hoverdrive a town with an unexpected views of normal human villagers,a town in the midst of the unknown, a place our young hero lives, the boy who hid his secrets down to the bottom of his heart… His Anger.

A stormy night two years ago at the deepest forest of Hoverdrive young Thomas murdered a not so innocent man whom he used a tree bark to struck the heart of the man which he declared as self defense. But what became worst is that he actually buried the man at the bottom of the muddy pathway leading to the infamous Summersalt River near the forest where the murder begun."

The troubled teenager Thomas Hank Smith lives with his friendly father Alexander Smith in the town of unknown. "Getting ready for the first day of Seniors? Wanna let me drive you there?" his father asked.

"Nah, I'm not yet ready and Fredrick still waited for me about that gift I should've gave to him last month of his birthday." Thomas answered.

"If that's what you want." his dad answered back.

Everyone thought of the right thing about Thomas but not all. The young murderer facing the real world that every person around him does not get any closer to him.

"Still think you're a murderer eh?" Frederick asked.

Fredrick Sanders, he is Smith's best friend ever since he was 7, and of all the cliche we people know he is the first person who knows Thomas' Darkest Secret.

"I'm getting used to it Fred" Tom answered.

"Hey blood bath!" Howard Shcmidt insultingly called Thomas. Now this is Howard, Thomas' number one arch nemesis and the captain wanna be when it comes to Hoverdrive Huskies the team name of Hoverdrive Academies Baseball Team.

"What do ya want Howard?" Frederick disgustingly answered.

"Come to the office coach wants you there. Maybe it's the impeachment, time to wet your pants dweeb."

"Whatever Schmidt."

At exactly 3:00 in the afternoon Thomas headed to Coach Lee to check if either Schmidt tells the truth about him being called . "Coach, you wanna see me?" Frederick asked.

"The rumors are spreading Mr. Smith, if this continues I'm…I'm removing you off the team."

"Coach, that's… that's unfair." He answered.

"Rules are rules kid, and remember this, the school's name must always be clean." Coach added. At the middle of the conversation a scream was heard all over Hoverdrive Academy.

"What was that?" Coach asked.

"I don't know but a scream like that means big trouble" Smith answered while rushing though the door.

Coach Lee and our Thomas Smith hurried at the hallway going to the bathroom where there stood a junior student crying while staring at a horrible scene of a hanged Senior student cold dead with almost 5 visible stabs and on the floor lies the murder item a kitchen knife. Blood drips down the floor and our hero approached the girl and asked for help to everyone.