The Nobles' Secret

Thomas! Thomas! Wake Up!

Thomas heard a sound that wanted him to wake up, but what he sees right now is that he is inside of a black room with no other images visible. But slowly a figure appeared, a lady in a pure white dress with its face blurred by the light that shines brightly unto its face. From what he saw, the dress' texture were like a smooth petal from a newly bloomed rose and it's shining bright like those of an angel descended unto the heavens. "Mom?" Thomas started to talk to the figure. "Thomas, I'm sorry." The figure spoke. "I'm sorry." and again she spoke. With those two words the unconsciousness Thomas were has ended.

Wake Up!

He heard another voice, he opened his eyes. He did but Thomas looked a bit pale and still dizzy after that strong hit he received from the Cait-Sith. "What happened?" Julie asked.

"I,…" He was still half asleep that time but as a snap Julie made he remembered about Artemis. "Artemis!"

"What about her?" Fred asked.

"She was, She was kidnapped by the Cait-Siths."


"Yes, we must find her." Thomas said anxiously.

"We must tell dad." Fred recommended.

The three headed out even though Fred's sight are still not straight. On the way to Sheriff Sanders they bump into Miss Finch, "Miss Finch" Julie shockingly said. Miss Finch just looked at them most especially Thomas.

"Shadow Caller?" Miss Finch directly asked Thomas.

"I'm okay Miss Finch"

"Miss Finch have you seen Artemis?" Fred asked.

"No, but I guess I heard her a while ago, but it's like she was asking for help."

"How about Cait-Siths?"

"Haven't seen cat people for a while now. Why?"

"Artemis was kidnapped by a bunch of Cait-Siths" Julie told her.

"Really?" Miss Finch became nervous at that moment. She grabbed her wooden ruler stick. "Follow me then, I might find someone who can help."

"Really?" Thomas happily said.

"Is it me or Thomas just became happy the whole time around for now?" Fred whispered to Julie. Julie didn't reply but she just hit Fred at the side of his chest.

"What are you standing there? Let's go" Thomas happily said.

They began to walk outside the school campus, not far from the gate Miss Finch stopped and turned right, she walked by while the others followed her. They took a straight forward on streets. There were trash on the side of the streets, chocolate wrappers, bottles and for a few some kittens were present.

There was an old apartment that stood there. On the upper left side of the apartment where the window pane were columned there were broken windows with one still half opened while on the entrance There was a graffiti that says Oracles not allowed. The four of them walked inside the stinky apartments' entrance. They took the old stair case with some stains on the walls and also as Fred touched the staircase bar he touched something sticky, "Oh my god!"

"What is this place?" Julie asked.

"Where almost there." Miss Finch said.

On room 1451 Miss Finch stopped. She peeped on the eyepiece then knocked. She hit the floor with his wooden ruler and spoke a language similar from what he have heard from Mr. Harpson.

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Those words that acted as a password from like before made the door opened a little bit.

"Is that the passcode for Dimensions?" Thomas asked.

"Mr. Smith you never knew how much your mom helped us in making dimensions" Miss Finch told him.

Miss Finch opened the door and as they entered inside, all of them felt different, it was colorful and clean, the dirt on the floor began to disappear and also do as the stink from the place. They are now at the Alternate Dimension of the Room. The room number changed and it says Wicked in it changing the numbers into letters.

"What the hell?" Thomas shockingly said.

"Welcome to the Oracles Apartment or should I say Quintos home." Miss Finch said in a welcoming tone.

"Who's Quintos?"

"Oh, were are my manners." A guy suddenly spoke.

"I am Quintos, actually Quintos Apollo Storms, sounds familiar?" He asked.

"Storms? Wait are you?" Fred asked.

"I am Artemis Storms' twin. Our name are like the Twin Gods from the Greeks." Quintos answered. He was there standing wearing a very light yellow t-shirt that says Animoo and wore a ripped jeans with a matching black shoes with bright yellow lightning marks.

"Woah, this is unexpected." Julie said.

"And who are you milady?" Quintos said while he was approaching Julie. "Oh, wait don't talk." Quintos added. "Julie Harpson, mmm, a Hyperior huh?"

"How did you? Are you a…" Julie shockingly said.

"I am a Moon Caller, but with a special ability actually, to take a glimpse at peoples memories."

"So you really are twins, by the way your twin is in trouble." Thomas said to him.

"I know, Miss Finch told me, in her mind actually" He turned into Miss Finch. "I'm sorry ma'am."

Quintos walked closer to Thomas and looked at him at the eyes. Thomas felt like Quintos is looking straight into his soul.

"Shadow Caller. Tsk, is this what my sis is into now?"

"What do you mean?" Julie asked.

"Oh, I meant my sis has been infatuated for a while now, I didn't expect it as her alter kind."

"Let's not talk about that please?" Thomas stopped Quintos.

"What are we going to talk about then?"

"Focus Quintos, your sister is kidnapped, maybe you could help them to look for your sister."

"Taking a glimpse at the memories of a Shadow Caller? No thanks."

"What's your deal with Wickeds like us?" Thomas said.

"Didn't my sister told you?"

"Tell me what?"

"Oh my goodness, My Great grandfather killed your great grandfather Tom, Felix killed the very first shade you know,"

Thomas was in a great shock. He didn't expected that.

"But that does not mean you are not going to help them. It is your sister who is in grave danger." Miss Finch angrily said to Quintos.

"My Father forbid us not to have a contact with Shadow Callers you know that."

"Thomas is not like them! He is different!"

"Really? In what way? His more monstrous than his great grand father?" Quintos disgustedly said.

"You're being rude" Fred said to Quintos while Julie clenched her fist. But they were stopped by Miss Finch by a thud she created while she hit the ground with the stick.

"Why?! My Family hated their kind!"

"But you are not your father."

"Stop!, I'll just look for her alone." Thomas angrily stopped the two from fighting. "Really? You barely know my sister?"

"I know that but, for a short period of time she showed me how Wickeds should blend in and I really like her. And as a Wicked she was kidnapped because of me so I'm taking responsibility for what I have cause."

"How dare you!" Quintos said as he approached Thomas. He touched him at his fore head and flashes of memories showed up. Different colors showed at his mind. There were voices everywhere. And the blink stops as he saw a figure of a girl ones more, the figure slowly appeared to be Artemis, she was crying and in her tears she was saying Sorry, Sorry for everything. He never understand what that means. But then slowly he did as images of the certain memories of the past, the present and the future. Faces of Artemis looking happy and smiling at him, there were images of her crying but one caught his attention. Blood at the hands of Artemis. A blood of a Shadow Caller. His face looked scared and voices was heard everywhere, voices combined by different people.

"The Bane of the Shadow Caller rests in the hands of the girl who fell in love with him,

A twin who will end the Rising,

the secrets untold will unfold and

This will end the life of the child who grew in the town of unknown."

With flashes of light arose Thomas back to reality.

He looked at Quintos with tears. "How?, How come?" Thomas said while tears rushing down his cheeks. "Do you see it now? My sister told me if she is about to get lost never find her even if it cost her life. She wanted you alive!" Quintos angrily said to him.

"What was it? What did you saw?" Julie anxiously asked.

"Is she?" Fred added.

"No, she never wanted to be found." Thomas answered.

Julie and Fred got closer to him and sat with him on the old floor where there stood a small drawer with a picture frame of the twins.

"Why?" Julie asked.

"She, she is said to be the Bane of the Shadow caller. She will be the reason of my death. She wanted me to live as a cost of her life." Thomas said while his tears rushed down through his cheeks ones more.

"You saw the future?" Fred asked.

Julie stood up and hit the table which as a result got cracks in it. "That's rubbish!, Thomas the future can change you know?" she then looked at Quintos. "You, whatever nonsense you showed my best friend it will change! Help us look for Artemis." Julie raged out as she grabbed the lamp shade and threw it on the floor, it cracked but reversibly it returned to normal.

"A prediction can not be changed!" Quintos said back.

"No it can! It is just a prediction an unknown certainty, I don't want my best friend looked like this, crying, sad just because of a stupid prophecy?" Julie madly said.

Fred placed his hands around Thomas who still is curled and sobbing.

"Julie's right, you can still change this, there will still be a chance between the two of you. Whatever happens we will find a way." Fred said to him. Thomas raised his head and looked at them, he wiped his tears. "I can't believe you can cry like that over a girl you just met not a long time ago." Quintos said.

Julie and Fred looked at Quintos with a mad face. "Sorry. Fine I'll try my best for you to look for her. Save my sister." Quintos said and he walked closer to Thomas, knelt down and placed his hands over Thomas' head while he did that he closed his eyes and focused.

Memories again showed up and with those pictures of Artemis and the Cait-Siths appeared. A dark alley, a kings throne, Coach Lee and even John Doe was present but everything went back to normal when Thomas saw the face of Artemis with a tear on her eye, No, Don't Artemis said. Thomas opened his eyes and panted. "A dark alley, Coach was there with the Reapers."

"Dark Alley?" Fred asked

"I think I know where that is" Quintos said. "Fordwyre Alley. The Cait-Siths hideout."

"We must go there, we must save her." Thomas said "We will." Julie said while he helped Thomas stood up.