Noble's Cry

Fordwyre Altered Dimension, Town of Hoverdrive

Two days past and our hero kept practicing, training and getting himself for the upcoming battle and the fate he is about to face.

While he kept himself busy ,our young hero's beloved kept waiting inside a n ice cold prison inside a skin burning hell at the Fordwyre Alternate dimension, though she has the ability to shift the bars and set free she still can't, she has been weakened, drained and her stomach kept rumbling like a dog who hasn't eaten for days. The darkness has covered her light, but she still kept a tiny flare of hope inside her, her love for Thomas despite the fate that she is into. The bane of the Shadow Caller.

She was at the center of the dimension, below her is the altar where the coffin of the Wicked King lied down, waiting for a Shadow Caller blood. The rocky altar has two cauldrons 4 feet high, the first, filled with blood, the blood of the murdered Wickeds, the second one, a black fluid with a very high density and a thick flow with a fowl smell of both dying animal and a rotten organ. Artemis covered her nose for a little while then uncovered it when the Elder placed a lid in it.

"Feeling better now?" The Memorant asked.

"Not yet." Artemis answered.

"That's all I can do for now."

"Wait, who are you really?" Artemis curiously asked.

"I'm a Memorant."

"Not that. Your name. And why are you not hurting me?"

"I can't give you my name, not yet. And, I'm a Memorant, I don't hurt people, I just erase memories." The Memorant said then he walked away. In his absence two Cait-Siths walked by and added a jar of blood to the uncovered cauldron the mixed it, then after a while the Grine Leader came with a knife. He stood in front of the cauldron and slashed his arms causing it to be wounded that let the blood flew out of his body. Another two Reapers came and removed the cover of the coffin. A series of bones came out, a bone structure of a human with its arms crossed like Dracula.

"And now, the Shadow Callers blood will be next!" Lee shouted with joy followed by an evil laughs like a real villain from a movie.

He looked at the Reapers and with those they moved in closer.

"Place the blood to the coffin." He ordered the two. The Reapers carried the cauldron and transferred the blood to the coffin. The wicked Wickeds around shouted for the near Rising of their king.

On the other hand, Artemis cried and a tear went down from his cheeks and into the coffin that lit a little light unto it.

The Hunter didn't saw what happened but the Elder did that made him looked down and worried.

"We need the Caller now!" Lee angrily said.

"Patience." The Elder said.

"I'm loosing one now! Siths!" Lee ordered the Cait-Siths that activated the cage's electric system that made Artemis grounded and let out a loud scream that was heard on both surface area and the dimension.

"A Noble's Cry, the most precious one, I remember that scream from that memory dame."

The Elder had nothing to do but shut his eyes and walked away, out from the Grine Leader.

Hoverdrive Academy, Town of Hoverdrive

At the other side of the Wicked world, Thomas, Julie and Fred went to school to have a normal day or the other way around, to talk to the unexpected Wicked. Principal Hugh.

At the schools hallway there were posters left and right of the walls, Beware Lurking Murderer, go straight at home after school. The other ones were different. Don't walk alone through the night.

These posters made Julie and Fred had goosebumps, Thomas on the other hand didn't mind it, something interrupted him, he heard a small scream not far a way. "Did you hear that?" Thomas asked.

"Hear what?" Fred asked.

"Nothing, I just thought I heard someone."

"Artemis? Your just preoccupied about things, just relax we have a class to attend to." Julie told Thomas, then they headed to their rooms, on the way to their rooms he saw a glimpse of Principal Hugh.

He didn't have a chance to call him because Fred pushed him inside the room. They too their respective seats. A chair near Thomas was unfilled but is ready to be occupied, waiting for its owner Artemis Storms. In front of him sits Howard Schmidt, he does not look friendly like most of times. He was different that moment, he murmured things from his mouth, at first he didn't mind it but he saw Julie placed her hands down and began doing sign languages, He's saying something about us. Thomas looked away and started to close his eyes, focusing on the words Howard was saying, slowly the words became clear.

Not so secretive huh Smith?

What were you doing these past days,

Training? Practicing?

I believe it's not for Baseball

Maybe something for, Artemis?

Thomas widened his eyes, he was shocked but then a little while the time stopped, it was Fred he also heard it and he snapped his fingers to stop the flow of time. "How did he know?" Fred asked.

"We don't know but whatever he says don't mind him act normal as if you didn't heard what he said." Julie advised.

"Fine" Thomas answered.

Fred bowed down his head like he was about to sleep and snapped his fingers, the flow of time continued and as a result Fred slowed down by 15 seconds, his act helped but not so useful when the teacher entered the room. Thomas looked at Julie and lip sync words that says What is the quickest way to go to the principal's office?

Julie raised her shoulders, she don't know how. 15 seconds past and Fred raised his head up, Julie then whispered Thomas' question. "I know a way." Fred whispered to Thomas.

The teacher on the other hand turned around and wrote something on the board. After a while a paper hit the teacher's back and he turned with an angry face. "Who was that!"

The students didn't said a thing but instead the Three Wicked friends did their act, they pointed at each other, at the teachers anger they sent the three on the principal's office and stayed up for detention.

"That was fast" Thomas said.

"Of course, it's Mr. Heron, he has quite the temper." Fred explained.

Julie opened the door leading to the Principal's office. It was quite a view, the place was organized, every paper on the desk are aligned straightly just like what everyone was saying, he really looked like a perfectionist. His desk is with plain and simple arrangements, a vase was placed on the upper left corner with a Cynthia rose planted in it. At the middle of the table were two knights in horses holding a flag that has his name placed in it 'Principal Gulliver Hugh'.

The three found a couch similar from that of the guidance councilor's office, after a while the principal opened the door and entered inside. "May I help you?" He asked while walking closer to his desk

Holding his cup of coffee, he sat at the edge of the desk and looked at the three teenagers.

"We, ummm, made fun of the teacher a while ago." Fred answered.

"Wicked children" Principal Hugh said then took a sip on his coffee. The three looked at each other, questioned.

"What? Did I said something wrong?" Principal Hugh asked after a sip on his coffee. "Come on guys, Miss Finch told me already, you don't have to do such things to call me, Mr. Heron is also a Wicked, and the reaction on your faces when I said Wicked it's golden." Principal Hugh added.

"Sorry for that." Julie said.

"What do you need, aside from knowing who I am." Principal asked.

"Well, Artemis is in trouble, and she is also a fellow Noble like you, maybe you can help us? Also, can prophecies change?"

"Artemis? Oh, is it Felix Storms grand daughter? Well, I heard she was in trouble. Kidnapped, I suppose? Yes I can help her and is the prophecy about the bane of the shadow caller?" Principal Hugh said.

"Yes and yes. So can you help?" Fred said.

"Well, I really can cause I am a porter, a noble but I don't work for free."

"What do you want in exchange?" Thomas asked with pure willingness.

"You have the guts, well I only wanted one thing. A Time Manipulators' Time Drive." That answered made Fred daze and worriedly looked at Thomas.

"What's that?" Thomas asked.

"It's the energy Time Manipulator's create, it is also the one thing Porters feed. Though can teleport to some places they can't teleport on dimensions without Time Drive. I heard these drives are painful. It causes them cephalalgia and it last longer than 5 minutes."

Julie explained.

"Wait, is that really that painful?" Thomas asked Fred.

"Don't ask, I don't want to talk about it."

"Is there other way?" Thomas looked at Principal Hugh and begged.

"I can just give you information, but I can't teleport you in the place, Fordwyre is a very hidden place. And the information is that a Noble linked to it's lover and it hears the cry it does, it is very rare, and I'm guessing she is not in love." Principal Hugh said.

"Linked? Wait is that scream that you heard a while ago?" Julie asked Thomas.

"Possibly, but we need the place. Maybe there is some other things we can exchange for?" Thomas said.

"I don't have anything on my mind." Principal Hugh said.

"Well.." Thomas' words were cut by Fred's interruption. "I agree with that. For you Thomas and our Artemis."

"Fred, Can you?" Julie asked.

"Are you worried about me now? I' not going to die, not yet without your answer." Fred answered Julie and he immediately walked away to prevent Julie from hitting him and went near Principal Hugh and made himself ready for the pain he's about to be felt. He opened his palms and absorbed a ball of energy. He then faced his palms together and deeply breathe out air throughout his mouth it looked like he placed his soul in it. He then gave the ball of energy to the Porter. Principal Hugh changed his mundane eyes into Wicked ones, glowing white eyes like those of a bond paper with a flashlight lit at the back of it. He placed his hand on top of the ball and suck the energy in it. Fred closed his eyes trying to ignore the pain the goal of helping a friend and showing his courage for the person she likes made him even more tough but the pain grew stronger and stronger, Thomas held at Fred's shoulders trying to comfort him, but it has no use, then suddenly Thomas began sucking up the pain Fred produced, this lessen the pain Fred had. Thomas didn't know what he was doing.

"The unique skill, you Pain Imbibe" Julie surprisingly said.

A minute past and the Principal had finished the transportation of energy, feeding himself on the Time Drive. "Hold me, we are about to go to Fordwyre, don't ask why I know, well, I work for a spy before." Principal Hugh said and the three held the Porter's hand, Thomas on the other helped Fred on the pain he has. A burst of light glowed from the body of Principal Hugh and all of them began to be sucked inside an invisible hole and disappeared from the office.

Fordwyre Alley, Town of Hoverdrive

In a dark, hidden and smelly place at Hoverdrive, the Shadow Caller, Hyperior, Time Clapper and the Porter were transported near two trash barrel that was placed near a pole where the light blinks as is if they where in some Nightmare on Elm Street movie. A Graffiti on a wall that says, Bestow Darkness with matching skull face on top of it to make it more evil-ish, Everything looks messed up in that place. No human can ever survive, luckily they are Wickeds they're lives are longer. Or is it?

"Where the hell are we? Elm Street?" Fred asked as he stepped a squishy rotten orange that smell awful like that of a dead rat.

"Oh my god, why do villains always pick stinky dark places?" Julie disgustingly said.

"Are you sure Artemis is here?" Thomas asked Principal Hugh who now has his eyes closed, regaining his abilities. After a while they heard a scream, a scream like that of an angel being tortured in hell.

"Are you convinced?" Principal Hugh asked Thomas back.

"That's Artemis, but where is she?" Thomas said.

"Wait you heard her? Really? My goodness, young love." Fred aforesaid.

"How can you hear it then?" Julie asked Principal Hugh.

"I'm a Noble you see." Principal Hugh

"Okay? I have one question then, how do we get in?" Fred asked.

"Just say, Hordun Damien." A man who walked out of the shadows spoke. A man who wore a hand me down turtle neck sweater and a skin tight jeans. He wore retainers and a cat eyed glasses for males. He placed his glasses on his white bleached hair and came in close to the four. "Hi, peeps." The four readied their hands as if they wanted to kick the butt of the unknown human. "Woah, woah woah dudes! I'm not the enemy here, oh man, this team is quite the sight."

"Who the hell are you? Did you follow us here?" Fred asked and prepared his hands for a Time shot.

"Yeah, that's fair. I'm Joseph 'Joe' Adrians. I didn't follow you here, don't get me wrong, I ummm, how do I put this, ummm Fred, I" The words he was about to say were cut down by Fred's shock.

"How did you know my name!" He reacted.

"Well, I know some of you. Your Fred, your Julie, your Principal Hugh and you are Smith." Joe said while he pointed each and everyone he knew. "I know you'll be here at the exact time and the exact date. Oh wait, 5,4,3,2,1…and, your father's here." Joe said that made the four looked at the place where the fingertip of Joe was pointed. After a while, Alexander showed up within the fog that surrounds the area.

"Father? Wait how did you know he'll be here?" Thomas asked Joe.

"Well, I'm…"

"He's a Dreamer. Right?" Principal Hugh added the Joe's unfinished words.

"I am." He confirmed.

"Wait, if a dreamer came across with another Wicked. They might be in trouble and for sure you have seen these things already and you wanted to warn us." Alexander said to Joe.

"Yes, actually. My father told me to come and warn you about h=what will happen."

"That might be…" Fred was then interrupted.

"Rubbish? Yea I know you would say that but this deals with life and so do death. Oh, Julie! Step aside to your left! Now!" Joe shouted and ordered Julie to step aside, after a second a bird fell right at the place Julie was. "I told you that could happen."

Julie, Fred and Thomas reacted differently. They haven't seen any Dreamers in their entire life, seeing one is a 0.9 percent and maybe, just maybe Joe was the 0.9 and a good luck to them.

"You can't spoil the future Joe, even if it's a matter of life and death, you can just warn us but not spoil us about it." Principal Hugh advised Joe.

"But, can you see a possibility of wining?" Fred asked

"Well, you both won and at the same time loose. Your team Smith will win but you also loose." Joe said.

"How? I mean how did we won?" Thomas additionally asked Joe.

"Ummm, love. A light in every darkness and a darkness on every light. Just take that as an advice." Joe said. "Oh, by the way, I also saw this on my dream. You will win because I joined and, Fred. Remember this, Pink Pajamas also, don't cry."

"Pink Pajamas? What the hell is a Pink pajama? And by the way I'm no cry baby." Fred confusingly asked. "Why are we even wasting our time on you?"

"We might need him. We should do this fight together." Alexander said. After a meanwhile a lady within the fog showed up, it was Miss Finch on his black Gothic wear and she holds a staff, she looked like an aristocrat that is ready to fight. "Don't forget me." She said.

"What are waiting for?" Julie asked.

"Then… Hordun Damien!" Thomas began to say the word, the walls broke and the graffiti changed from Bestow Darkness to Bring Wicked.

A whole showed up and skeletal hands grabbed all of their hands, Fred was scared and Julie punched him on the face. Minutes later they were sucked inside the portal and disappeared like a bubble.

In flashing lights of black and white the 6 Wicked saviors came and what surprised them is that Lee's forces were ready and armed. The Cait-Sith wearing their battle outfit, leather with iron plates dull in color that matches the dark yellow color of the suit, their claws sharp as expected, knives and blades were I their hands, Reapers have their hands burning with fire they made. Hunters shifted into half wolves sharp teeth, and claws. Smith's team formed a circle facing their enemies. One by one they looked at their enemies eyes, until.

"You really came." Lee came, he was at the altar holding the Shadow Blade, glowing violet flares and his claws sharpened as ever.

"I bet you heard a Noble's Cry didn't you?" He added.

Thomas stood in front of the team and raised his voice in anger. "How dare you!"

"No one dare me young one. You see she's still alive and breathing, but not for so long." Lee warned. "Now, give yourself up or your friends die and so do as your beloved."

He added.

"Thomas, whatever he say don't listen. We can save Artemis and take care of them." Fred said to Thomas.

"Things will just got worst if you surrender trust me I saw this." Joe added.

"We can do this. Don't worry I have a plan." He said that made Joe daze. "Luckily, you didn't said those." Joe told him.

"Fred, slow the time down when I get close to Lee so that you can have the advantage to attack them all at once. Dad, whatever happens back me up." Thomas instructed the team and his Dad.

"We'll do it." They all answer in chorus that made Thomas happy.

Thomas trusted his friends and walked towards the altar. The Grine Hunters, Reapers and the Cait-Siths gave way to the Shadow Caller who now is ready to sacrifice himself for the friends he left behind. Every step he made he felt his body became heavy, he felt the presence of his shadow growing strong, he felt the strength of a beast, a beast that was hungry for blood. He felt the existence of his Great Grand Father, the existence of the beast that wander Hoverdrive for the past few decades. The existence of the first Wicked