
However before they could react and give Jiang Yue an explanation, Wang Bolin barged into the room while panting.

"Bolin, what is this?"

"Master... Young Miss Rou. The... The Young Miss Rou is back!

The environment instantly turned cold. As if something dropped a joke in front of them. Of course, this is nothing but a joke. Since today is April Fools, I figured I need something fun for everyone. I hope you will forgive this shameless author. The real chapter is below.


The environment instantly turned awkward.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Yue asked when she noticed everyone's frozen faces.

Then she heard Fu Jin sigh. "I wanted to surprise you and was asking Grandfather if we could get our marriage certificates as soon as possible."

Jiang Yue instantly smiled when she heard Fu Jin's explanation. She could understand their awkward reactions just a while ago.

"Well... I guess it is not a surprise anymore?" She said before walking towards Fu Jin. "When are we doing it?"