
Jiang Yue woke up in Fu Jin's arms, she was feeling lighter and happier. Last night, she and Fu Jin did not stay in their room. Instead, they chose to spend the night in a guestroom.

She looked at Fu Jin, who was still sleeping and slowly removed his arms from her waist. She then tried to move out of the bed, only to be held back by Fu Jin, as he once again wrapped his arms around her.

"Thirty minutes." She heard him murmur, as he hugged her tightly.

In response, Jiang Yue snuggled closer to Fu Jin and made herself comfortable as she inhaled his scent. Being in her husband's arms was making Jiang Yue feel more secure and loved. It was as if, his arms were some sort of cage, which would protect her from the incoming storms. It felt like a tall tree was protecting her from the scorching heat of the sun.