1-Mortal(凡人)Strength of 100 kg

2- Xiong(熊 )Strength of 500 kg

3-She(蛇)Strength of 550 kg

4-Hu(虎)Strength of 600 kg

5- Niu(牛)Strength of 900 kg

6-Ying(鹰)Strength of 1200 kg

7-hou(猴) Strength of 2000 kg

8-Mayi(蚂蚁)Strength of 5000 kg

9-Xiang(象)Strength of 9000 kg

10-jia chong(甲虫)Strength of 10,000 kg

After the fall humans started cultivating to fend of the demons .

The cultivation realms are split into 10 realms ,In each realm there are 9 stages , some can only cultivate up to 6 or 7 while some talented ones can make it up to the 8 or 9 , their are legends that there are stages higher than 9 some can make it to 10 , but on the last realm there is not limit instead it can continue on 100,200,300 ? .

Humans in this apocalypse earth rely basely on strength and skill there are no magic shelter,food and all daily needs are scarce after the fall .

After the government was destroyed , factions were formed and there were people who became leaders of packs , some cities that survived the fall became territories of such packs .



Silver=1000 copper

Gold=100 silver

Platinum=10 gold