Chapter 1: Do we know him?

Gaining LOVE was the worst part his job besides the actual killing part, he hated the constant reminder that he wasn't just making space for worlds to grow but also having to end lives to achieve it. It also didn't help that he was haunted by the sight of dusting bodies any time he attempted to sleep or saw the faces of those who where about to die whenever he attempted to eat. It made him scared to sleep, it made him to sick to eat, it made him stop caring for himself.

It's not like anyone would actually notice all this though. He didn't see Nightmare and his group much due to both parties having jobs to take care of and when he did it wasn't for more then a few minutes. He also didn't see Blue any more after his admittedly unintentional kidnapping of the other. Ink didn't care what condition he was in he just wanted Error to stop killing off his AU's, even though Error only killed off coppies of an AU and in particular AU types that had way to many copies of the same events. And then there was Dream... The one who prevented him from feeling any small bit of positive emotion because he believed Error was what caused Nightmare to eat the dark apples, which was in no way true. Error hadn't even discovered Dreamtale till long after the events with the tree, but had Dream believed this? No, he outright called him a liar before shooting him with his magic bow and arrows.

No one cared about him.

The Antivoid, which was suppose to be his safe haven whenever he wasn't doing his job, didn't even care about him either in fact, it down right HATED him. It yelled with horrible voices any time he entered. Often times it would ocasionaly prevented him from entering when he was trying to escape a fight with Ink or even let threats in on him when he was just trying to recover. It made any object he brought in from another world that wasn't a living thing dissapear the minute he took his eyes off it if he hasn't wrapped it with his strings. It had even denighed him magic on occasions when he needed to heal after a perticuarly tuff battle.

In a way all together he wasn't surprised when he found himself staring at a cliff in a world he was working on destroying that he knew had spikes at the bottom wondering if he threw himself down it if he would die. He didn't act upon the thought though, there was no point in doing so, he was so apathetic about everything at this point it wouldn't make a difference. Dream ripped the ability to feel anything good out of long ago, and when all you know is the bad you don't feel bad about how horrible things are because you don't have any good to compare it against. He did curl up in pain a bit though as his stomach cramped from hunger and his head throbbed in a reminder that while he had an imortal body it needed rest.

The thought of doing either thing though caused him to kneal at the edge of the cliff and throw up. He didn't want to see those horrified faces, he didn't want to resee the dusting of those he had to kill for balance. He just wanted to live a normal life that was taken from him because of ink. That was likely to never happen though so he just got up and walked over to one the pools of water in waterfall, took off his jacket and wrapped it around his pelvice as he washed his face and mouth to get rid of the lingering vomit, not noticing he was being watched.

-a few minutes earlier-

Ink was working in the doodle sphere on his latest world design, he was thinking an alterswapfell would be an interesting concept and was working on how he should stage everything. That is till he felt a world start to be destroyed. Annoyance and anger at the sudden interruption caused him to squeeze the pencle he was using to make a basic sketch just a bit to hard for it to handle leading to it braking in half in his hands. Ink stared at it for a moment just now realizing how mad he got about his worlds being destroyed. Slowly he got up from where he was seated and opened up a portal to the world that was being destroyed.

Ink stepped through the portal ending up just behind the destroyed. Just as he was about to attack the other he noticed that Error was just staring at a cliff as if contemplating something. Ink frowned curious at that had stopped the other in the middle of destroying a universe before seeing the the other curl up a bit griping his stomach before kneeling at the edge of the cliff and throwing up. Ink just stared at the destroyer throwing up over the edge of the cliff in shock, he couldn't figure out what would suddenly cause the other to puke up their guts. Was the other sick? No, they looked fine a moment ago.

Then what was the problem?

Ink continued watching his counterpart as he got up and walked over to one of the pools in waterfall and took off his jacket before washing his face and mouth to remove any lingering throw up. As he watched Ink started to notice that there was more stuff wrong with Error them him just killing off AU's. As Ink looked over the other's now exposed boned he couldn't help but notice how dull and chalky they where. By no means was that good or normal, the dullness alone told ink that Error wasn't taking good care of himself, dullness like that only happens when a skeloton wasn't cleaning themselves properly or not cleaning themselves period. Ink wasn't sure which it was, but in either case it was bad. Chalkiness though was another matter, it was a sign for skeletons that they weren't getting nutrients their bodies needed to form strong bones.

'Why had Error let himself get to this state?' Ink wondered as he watched the other get up shakly after cleaning off the vomit from his face before shacking off dust from his jacket and putting it back on, after which he started walking again.

Ink then realised as he watched Error dissapear through a tunnel deeper into this particular underground, that he did have a clue why Error would have let himself get to that state. He knew next to nothing about the other, that's when another even worse question hit him 'do any of es even know him beyond what he does?'

He didn't know.