Harassment In the Firewood Storage Shed

Ouyang Yaoyi looked at them in shock. How could they know all this? Her father ordered people to not let that all leak to the public.

The older guard looked at Ouyang Yaoyi's confused gaze and smiled. "Bored people like us just love to find out palace secrets. What's more, you were so brutal, it's difficult for people not to find out," he said.


The two guards led Ouyang Yaoyi to the firewood storage shed and forcefully threw her to the ground.

"Ah..." shrieked Ouyang Yaoyi as she fell with her tightly bound hands. She was definitely going to kill these two guards. 

The two guards saw Ouyang Yaoyi's fierce look and knew exactly what she was thinking. The older guard walked over and violently kicked Ouyang Yaoyi twice. "Stinking wench!" he cried.

The older guard scoffed wickedly, then walked over and stroked Ouyang Yaoyi's breasts. During the day, he saw how her breasts were about to spill out and wanted to touch them ever since.