The Twist and Turns

"Woot woot..."

The following afternoon, Han Moze whistled a clear, quick, and pleasant tune with his hands coolly clasped behind him as he walked.

Liu Rushuang couldn't help but burst into laughter.

With a joyous smile upon Han Moze's face, he walked up to embrace Liu Rushuang and plant a kiss on her face.

"Shuang'er, you're really beautiful," he sighed with a deep and resounding voice.

On hearing this, Liu Rushuang's heart fluttered and her mouth curved into a wide smile. Then, she looked up at Han Moze.

"Ze, your whistling sounds so good!"

"Of course! I am the best at whistling, nobody dares claim they are better than I am. After hearing a soldier whistle in the barracks, I thought I'd give it a try," explained Han Moze with a proud look on his face when talking about his past.

"Haha..." Liu Rushuang couldn't help but be infatuated with Han Moze. She really liked this gentle side of Ze.