He Lives

Liu Rushuang's brows suddenly flickered, as she anxiously asked, "Where is he?"

Chong'er pulled out a small box and put it onto the table. "The ghost you want is in this box," she said with a sinister smile.

Liu Rushuang slightly furrowed her brows, then reached her hands out and gradually opened the small black box.

All of a sudden, a spider, the size of a little finger, quickly crawled out of the box. Then, it waved two front antennae and said, "Big sister, I'm finally able to see you again! I'm so happy!"

With an awkward expression on her face, Liu Rushuang looked at the eight-legged, pure black spider with two antennae before her.

"Haha... remember, you owe me a favor!"

After Chong'er's loud laugh, she turned into a ball of black mist and left.

Liu Rushuang turned her head and glanced at Chong'er as she flew off, then grinned.

"Big sister, did I scare you in this form?" Le Zhengyu asked with two drooping antennae.