Love in the Carriage

A burning rage rose in Mei Ye's eyes, as he grunted coldly at Lian Jiuhua. "Well it's much better than some lazy and sleazy person."

Embarrassed, Lian Jiuhua's eyes glimmered. "Who's lazy and sleazy? Quit spewing nonsense without any evidence!"

Mei Ye turned to Lian Jiuhua and stuck his tongue out, then rode off. Although he was injured, he was a lot more powerful than the lazy person who would hide on the rooftop every now and then!

Lian Jiuhua looked at Mei Ye who rode in front of him. "That face you pulled looked real feminine! Haha..." He teased.

Lin Ye, Mo Ye, and the others couldn't resist but smile when they heard what Lian Jiuhua had uttered under his breath.

Mei Ye checked left and right, then clenched his hands. So what if he was a little skinny, small, and cute? Those people often took him for a girl. They were too much!

A hint of a smile appeared on Liu Rushuang's face when she heard the cheerful conversation outside.