Mountaintops Split Open

Rumble rumble rumble...

All of a sudden, the giant cyan mountaintops in the high clouds let out a loud rumble like the rocks were shaking violently from within.

In the blink of an eye, the obvious small cracks significantly widened and the rumbling sound got louder and louder.

The Mountain Sheep King, Yellow Wolf King, and Vine King immediately leaped halfway up the mountain. Their eyes lit up the more vigorous the mountains shook.

Bat King was about to appear right away!

The cracks in the mountaintops grew wider and expanded even more. A terrifying mist shrouded the entire mountaintop in a black, messy shroud. 

Thump thump thump...

Just then, the mountaintop exploded, sending countless fragments of various-sized rocks flying quickly into the clouds all around.

Halfway up the mountain, the demon kings ceaselessly blocked the falling rocks, as their faces turned from hopeful to sunken.