You're Unworthy

Lord Phoenix silently collected the demon pills into his sleeve, then turned to leave. He never planned to even bother with Han Moze.

Han Moze gritted his teeth at the tall silhouette who was leaving. "What do you want in return for Shuang'Er's freedom?" He said chillingly. 

Lord Phoenix halted for a moment, then spoke in a low and chilling voice. "You are simply not worthy of Fire Phoenix! She should be with someone better!"

Han Moze's face instantly looked dark and dreary like the overcast sky. "What do you mean by that? Shuang'er and I are truly in love. No given reason is enough to break us apart!" He said in a dreary voice.

"Yeah! You're messed up in the head! What kind of man are you to break up a married couple out of nowhere?" said Lian Jiuhua as he glared at Lord Phoenix with disdain and a hint of a mocking smirk. So what if this guy was powerful? He wasn't as intelligent and sensible as he looked!