A Fated Affinity

Han Moxi stroked Qing'er's head in consolation. "Who knows? Perhaps, your Young Miss will suddenly come back one day! So don't give up all hope! You have to live happily on and wait for her to return."

Qing'er wiped her tears. "Is that possible?"

"Your Young Miss loves my royal brother so much, so I think, as long as she hasn't lost her memories, she will definitely find a way to get back. Who knows? That could be tomorrow." Han Moxi pressed Qing'er's head into his chest and felt his heart fill up.

Qing'er sobbed a few times, then wiped her tears. "I'll always be waiting here for Young Miss to come back. No matter how long it takes, I think she'll come back one day to see me." 

A warm, gentle grin formed in the corner of Han Moxi's mouth, as he tightly embraced Qing'er in silence.

News of Han Moze catching a serious illness spread like wildfire. Soon enough, it was widely known.