Unfortunate Qingchuan

Thereafter, Xu Ziling rarely went looking for Han Moze; firstly, because Han Moze never cared about her and secondly, because she realized that Zuiying was more suitable for her.

Han Moze heard that Zuiying was living a more lavish lifestyle in the general's manor than he would in palace, so he brushed it off. Instead, he then sent people to continue tracking down Liu Rushuang.

However, he was left disappointed every time by the reports. Meanwhile, the blonde man's whereabouts were undetermined, as he was gathering demon pills all across the land. There was simply no way of finding him.

Han Moze stood in Luofeng Palace, admiring the scenery. He spent each and every day in longing.

Meanwhile, in a tavern in Donghua, Chu Qingchuan was locked up in a small room and cried bloody murder every day.