It Tastes Terrible!

After Chu Qingchuan returned to her room, she was in no mood to learn the house rules anymore. Instead, she paced around the room, thinking up plans to escape with creased brows and a troubled look on her face.

Sui'er carried a tray of food into the room, then set it down on the table. "Concubine Ninety-Nine, it's time to eat. If you can't think of one now, you'll have plenty of time to do so later."

Chu Qingchuan sighed in defeat, then sat at the table to eat. She looked at the three plates of food and soup, then furrowed her brows. "Why is there not a spot of oil? Also, it looks like the same food as yesterday. This won't do. I can't eat it."

With that said, Chu Qingchuan slapped her chopsticks down on the table with an annoyed look on her face.

"Fine, don't eat it," said Sui'er coldly. "Besides, you're the only one who'll starve in the end, and if you die of starvation, the madam will definitely hold a massive feast in celebration."