Easily Fooled

Fireflies shimmered in the darkness of the night. Chu Qingchuan furrowed her brows in pain, as she started to wake up.

She scanned her surroundings and saw a small, unfamiliar room. Chu Qingchuan's face looked completely confused.

"Oh, you've finally woken up! Fantastic!" All of a sudden, an old, fat lady with a round face walked into the room. She wore a warm smile on her face that Chu Qingchuan couldn't read.

Chu Qingchuan naturally clutched onto the bed sheets in slight fear of the fat woman whom she had never seen before.

 The boss lady walked over and held Chu Qingchuan's small hands. Then, with a sweet smile, she said, "It's good that you're up. Did you know that an old man left you in the middle of the road this afternoon and put up a sign to sell you off? Fortunately, I passed by and bought you. Otherwise, you'd have been sold off to the seventy-year-old man of the Wang family as his mistress!"