Not getting punished?- Part 2

Penny's eyes moved to the corner, very cautiously watching him read with the utmost seriousness which she wasn't used to seeing. Maybe this was the only time he was serious without his lopsided grin that normally stayed upon his lips as if he had planned a delicate yet successful plan. Moving her gaze away from him, she pulled the blanket up to her nose, staring at the ceiling of the bed which was made of mirrors. She came to realize she was an idiot for craning her neck to look at Damien when she could see him up in the mirror. 

The mirror made Penny ask herself as to how much of a narcissist this man was to have a mirror fixed up in the ceiling of the bed. His midnight-black hair look ruffled as if he had run his hand over it many times, not bothered with the messy and disheveled appearance. 

She waited for him to tell her anything.

"Stop staring and get to sleep."