Why does it have to be me?

The next day, inside the CEO's office. Kaylee and Liam are sitting on the couch with a laptop in front of them. Because Christopher canceled his schedules these past few days, lots of work needed to be done.

Seeing Christopher and Liam are so busy, Kaylee couldn't stop herself anymore. "Are you sure you don't want me to help?"

Christopher looked at her and smiled "We're fine."

Kaylee sighed, plugged her earphones into the laptop, and played music. 'It's her first day in the office yet all she can do is listen to the music.'

After a few hours, Christopher's telephone rang. "Hello?" On the other line, his secretary said in a calm voice. "President, your mother is on her way to your office. She just got on the elevator." He was taken aback. When he heard that, he covered the telephone's mouthpiece and looked at Liam and Kaylee.

"Dude, help me put these documents there," Christopher said as he pointed to the table in front of Liam and Kaylee. "Mom is here." Upon hearing that, Liam stood up got some documents from Christopher's table, and put them on the table in front of Kaylee. "Okay, thank you," Christopher said to his secretary as he hung up.

Christopher's office is on the top floor of the Jarvis Empire. His table is in the center of the office, and behind that is the tinted glass wall. A long 'L' '-shaped table was placed on the right side. Liam's table is near the office's door, while Kaylee's is near the conference room. Beside it is his private room. On the left side, the two long couches faced each other, and a center table and a single-size couch were placed in the middle.

"Damn it!" Christopher murmured as he sat on the middle couch. "Why is she here?"

Christopher looked at Kaylee calmly and then to Liam. "I don't know," Liam replied. Kaylee held her breath. This is her first time meeting an important person other than Christopher. 'What if I made a mistake?'

"Breathe, Kaylee." Kaylee looked at Christopher and nodded.

Seeing the nervous Kaylee, Liam said. "You must address her Madam or Madam Jarvis, if she asks you a question, answer her politely. Remember, if she asks you a question, you MUST answer her. In front of the others, you must address Topher as Second Master."

Christopher looked at Kaylee as he sighed. "Don't scare her, Liam. My Mom is not as scary as it seems. You don't need to worry about her."

They looked at the door when it suddenly opened. Christopher, Liam, and Kaylee stood up. A middle-aged woman entered the office. Liam and Kaylee bowed their heads.

"What brought you here?" A calm and deep voice rang in their ears. "Am I not allowed to visit my son at my company?"

"It's not like that." The middle-aged woman looked at the two people in front of her. "Liam, Kaylee, can you clean this table and go back to your table for now." He said.

"Yes, Second Master."

"No, no. It's fine. I won't stay long." The middle-aged woman looked at Kaylee and then at Christopher. "Is she the one Sofia's talking about?" Kaylee gulped when she heard what Christopher's Mom said. "Yes."

The Madam nodded while touching her chin with her index finger. "Is she your girlfriend?" Kaylee's jaw dropped, but she managed to compose herself before the Madam noticed her expression. 'What?'

"As you can see, she is my assistant." The Madam looked at her son. "Then why did you turn down Sofia's request yesterday?"

"I'm busy."

"Is it now the boss's job to buy his assistant clothes and shoes?" Kaylee and Liam's expressions were helpless.

Christopher's expression darkened. "Mom!" His mother sighed. "I just wanted to remind you that Sofia wants to marry you. Her parents have been asking your father and me to arrange a marriage for both of you. You know very well that I am not going to oppose whoever you want to marry. But you must remember when the date is set, and you still have no one in your mind. You have to marry Sofia." Christopher ran his fingers through his hair. "Why does it have to be me?"

"If not you then who else?"

Christopher signed. "There is Ethan, okay?"

"He's not my son!"

"He is Dad's son too, okay?"

"I don't care. I am very sure that this is not your father's idea. I want a daughter-in-law."