Call me Top from now on

"Kaylee?" Her body won't move; she wants to run away, but her body won't listen to her. "Well, well, looks who's here." She was so shocked that she forgot that Christopher was on the phone, she didn't even hear that Christopher called out her name so many times.

"Why. Why are you here?" Kaylee asked.

Aria raised her eyebrow, "That's my line. What are you doing here?" Kaylee didn't know what to say. She looked at Aria's clothes and was surprised that she was wearing Jarvis Empire's uniform. By the look of it, Aria is also an employee of Jarvis Empire in a certain department. Other than the assistants and secretaries, only the Bosses don't wear uniforms, they always wear formal attire with the Empire's pin on the collar of their suit jacket.

"You were not supposed to be in a place like this." Aria walked near her and said with a mocking tone, "Don't tell me you live here?" Aria laughed sarcastically. Kaylee gulped, she didn't say a single word. Aria frowned when she noticed that Kaylee was on a call. She grabbed Kaylee's wrist and saw the word 'Boss' on the screen. "Boss?" Aria looked at her, and Kaylee's jaw dropped. "You're working? Ridiculous—" Aria didn't finish her sentence when the man beside her held her arm. She gave him a sharp look. "What?"

"You're not supposed to make a scene here. We're still inside the JCrystal hotel." Aria removed his hand.

"Don't interfere, I'm talking to my cousin." The man pressed his lips together and left Aria. He doesn't want to get involved when she gets into trouble. When the man left, she looked at Kaylee and smirked. "You left the house for this?" She grabbed Kaylee's phone and put it on her ears. "Hello?"

"What do you think you're doing?" A cold voice rang into her ears. She chuckled. "Send her here. Now!" He paused, Aria was speechless. She glared at Kaylee. She was about to speak when the man on the other line continued. "Send her here or I will inform your higher-ups that you're messing with my employee." After that, she heard a beep. He ended the call.

She gritted her teeth and returned Kaylee's phone as she left the hotel.

Kaylee let out a sigh of relief the moment Aria left. When she saw her phone, the call had already ended. Kaylee picked up the bags she put down on the floor. She entered the elevator and pressed the top button.

In front of JCrystal Hotel, Aria's phone rang. "Hello!"

"What do you think you're doing? Why are you still there? Go back to the Empire now!" Aria was dumbfounded when Anna ended her call after she said those words. She looked at her phone and let out a 'Ha!' "How there you hung up with me?!"


Kaylee was about to press the doorbell on Christopher's unit when the door, opened. Kaylee was taken aback for a second. "Top!" Christopher looked at her blankly. "Come in!" Kaylee shrugged as she walked inside. She went straight to the kitchen, and Christopher followed her. "Top?" Kaylee didn't look at him and arranged the groceries she had bought. Kaylee didn't answer until she was done.

When she finished arranging the food, she looked at Christopher. "It was supposed to be Topher. I was so shocked when you suddenly opened the door, and instead of Topher, it became Top. Well, I was thinking of calling you Top." Christopher turned his back to Kaylee and smiled while nodding. In his memory, he didn't recall that Kaylee called him by name or even nickname. "You don't like it?"

"I like it, call me Top from now on." Kaylee blinked. "I'll just bring the document to the study room, let's eat after, I have already prepared our lunch. By the way, who's that girl?" Kaylee frowned, "Huh?" Christopher let out a sigh. "The girl you were talking to, when we were talking on the phone."

"Oh, that." Kaylee smiled weakly. "She's my cousin, Aria. Oh, right, she took my phone earlier, have you talked to her?" She nervously asked. In reality, she didn't know if Aria had the chance to talk to him since the topic was open. She grabbed the chance.

"No! I heard you were talking to someone, so I just ended the call." Kaylee let out a sigh of relief. She didn't want him to worry.

Christopher lowered his head as he clenched his fist. He saw it. He saw everything. When Kaylee didn't answer him earlier, she opened his laptop and checked all the CCTV in the hotel. He was so mad, but he managed to surpass it when he saw Kaylee unharmed.