All the information about her

Christopher and Kaylee were lying under the sunset as they looked at their pictures. He looked at her when she yawned. "You look tired. Do you want to go home?" She smiled weakly and nodded. They stood up, and he folded the blanket and brought it, and their other stuff into the car, Kaylee only held the pillow.

She opened the back seat, as he placed all their stuff inside. When he got in the driver's seat, She was already in the passenger seat with her eyes closed as she hugged the pillow. He leaned over to her and kissed her forehead before starting the engine.

Kaylee was still asleep when they arrived at the JCrystal Hotel. He parked his car in his usual spot. He opened the door and stepped out of his cat. He gently closed the door, walked to the other side, and opened the passenger's door. He got his phone in his pocket and dialed Liam's number. After the third ring, Liam picked up the phone. "Whe—"

"Are you back? Come here to the parking lot."

"Where ar—"

"Come here."

"Okay." After Liam said that, he ended the call and put back his phone in his pocket. He gently carried Kaylee in his arms, locked the door, and waited for Liam in front of the elevator.

A while later, the elevator opened with Liam on it. Liam was a bit shocked when he saw Kaylee in Chistopher's arms. Christopher didn't say a word. Liam silently pressed the top floor. He understood that he needed to shut his mouth. When they reached the top floor, Liam went in front of Kaylee's unit and swiped the key card to unlock the door. He opened the door for them and looked at him, Christopher looked back at him, "Thank you. Wait for me at my unit. I have something to tell you." Christopher said before entering the room.

He gently laid her on the bed, helped her clean up, and silently changed her clothes. After that, he went out using the door of Kaylee's unit. When he entered his unit, Liam was already sitting on the couch while playing with his phone. He sat beside him and leaned his head on the couch.

"Where have you been?" Liam asked.

He didn't respond. He got his wallet in his pocket and got a piece of paper with the name of a certain someone. He handed the paper to him and he took it.

"What is this?" Liam looked at the paper and read the name aloud. "Aria McCain?"

Christopher closed his eyes. "Can you get me all the information about her that is related to Kaylee? She appeared to be an employee of the Empire." Christopher massaged his temple, "She dares to lay a finger to Kaylee within my sight."

Liam covered his mouth with his hand. 'What's this? When did he become overprotective?' Liam thought to himself.

Christopher stood up and looked at him. "Make sure Kaylee won't find out about this."

Liam nodded and stood up. "Okay!"

Christopher massaged his left shoulder. "I'm tired. Let's talk some other time."

Liam nodded "Okay, I'm going." Liam responded as he walked towards the door.

"By the way Liam."

Liam stopped on his track and looked back at Christopher. "What is it?"

"Charlotte is back," Christopher said, leaving Liam in the living room dumbfounded.