Mixed feeling

Kaylee turned her head when she heard footsteps behind her. She stood up and walked toward Christopher. Kaylee was taken aback when he suddenly hugged her tight. She patted the man's back. "What's wrong?"

Christopher didn't say a word he just hugged her like that. Behind him was Liam. Kaylee looked at Liam with a questioning look. He just smiled and gave her a gesture that he would leave.

She caressed Christopher's back. "Hey, you okay?" His hug tightened. She sighed and pulled away. She held his face with both hands and looked directly into his eyes. "What's wrong? I heard you shout earlier."

He held her hand, kissed her forehead, and looked at her as he kissed her hands.

"Tell me, please." Kaylee looked at him with a gentle gaze.

He smiled as she kissed her hands once again. He let go of her hand and held her face and gave her a kiss on her nose. "It's nothing."

Kaylee placed her hands on her waist. "If it's about work, it's fine. But remember that you just finished your work for the whole week, don't stress yourself too much. You need to have your break too, you know."

Christopher took Kaylee's hands and wrapped her arms around his neck. He gave her a short kiss on her lips as he wrapped his arms around her waist. "Yes, boss."

Kaylee hugged him tight. "You're my boss."


Inside their room. Christopher was lying on the bed and looking at Kaylee with his right hand under his head. He caressed her hair with his left hand, while she was beside him in the prone position with a book in her hand.

His mind was a mess. Everything that he found out was unforgivable. He can't believe that the lovely and cheerful woman beside him went through that kind of life.

Kaylee smiled while still looking at the book. "Are you done staring at me?" She asked.

Christopher laughed. "Not yet."

Kaylee closed the book and placed it on the bedside table. She put her chin on her hand as she looked at Christopher. "What do you want? Do you have something to say?"

Christopher shook his head. "No."

Kaylee nodded. "Okay." She said as she placed her head into Christopher's chest.

Christopher caressed her hair and grinned. "Kiss me, then."

Kaylee blinked. She lifted her head and looked at him, puzzled. "Huh?"

"Since we were both tired and I can't have you, just kiss me. Kiss me until I'm satisfied." Christopher said while trying to stop himself from smiling.

Kaylee hit him on the shoulder. "Stop playing around."

Christopher held her hand, "I'm serious Kayl, kiss me."

Kaylee raised her eyebrow. "Until you're satisfied?"

Christopher laughed. "Just kiss me." He said as he pouted his lips.

Kaylee bit her lower lip and moved closer to him. She pressed her lips against his. Christopher smiled as he wrapped his arms around her waist as he responded to her kiss.

When Kaylee pulled away, Christopher looked at her. "Should we do it?"

Kaylee blushed. "You should take a rest for now okay? We can do it anytime, have some rest first."


Christopher smiled. "Anytime?"

Kaylee blinked. She bit her lower lip and looked away. "I mean..."

Christopher hugged her and kissed her head. "What will you do if I say that I like you?"

Kaylee looked at Christopher in shock. "W-what did you say?"

Christopher tucked her hair behind her ears, "Why? I can't? You don't want me to?"

Kaylee blinked. "No, it's not like that. I..." She nervously looked directly into his eyes. "Do you like me?" Her heartbeat started to beat faster.

Christopher looked at her held her face and gave her a short kiss. He hugged her and caressed her hair. "Let's sleep."

Kaylee pouted. She pushed Christopher away and turned her back to him. "Sleep your face."

Christopher smiled and hugged her from behind. "I'm going to treat you well, I'm willing to do anything just to protect you. I. I just found out something, I just found out how your family treated you. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ask Liam to investigate you, I just. I want to know."

Kaylee was speechless. She didn't want him to know that side of her. She's ashamed. She bit her lower lip to stop herself from crying. Her tears started to fall down from her eyes. Christopher buried his face into her neck as his hug tightened. He knew that she was crying and he knew this would happen if he told her.

"I know, I should have asked you instead. I'm sorry. I didn't know. I just happened to see how your cousin treated you when she saw you on the first floor, that's why I asked Liam. I can't stand seeing you being treated that way. I guess that answers your question. If you still want a certain answer, yes, I like you. I think so. You knew I hated commitments. But if it's you, I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Christopher breathe deeply. " Can you forgive me? Can you promise me, you're not going to leave me? You don't have to like me back, stay with me. Okay?"

Kaylee covered her mouth with her hands. Her tears kept falling from her eyes, she had a mixed feeling right now. She was speechless. She felt that there was something wet on her neck.

Christopher tightened his hug and bit his lower lip, "I. I'm sorry."

Kaylee sobbed. "A-are you crying?"

"I'm sorry!"