Are you planning on marrying her?

"You've done it!" The middle-aged man said in a deep voice.

Christopher closed his eyes and let out a deep breath. "I'm sorry."

"I am so disappointed, son."

Christopher gritted her teeth. "I'm sorry, but I won't let you harm her."

The middle-aged man turned his back on him. "You should know the consequences of your action."

Christopher's grip on his hand tightened. "Dad."

Trevor Jarvis is one of the greatest businessmen around the world. He satisfied all his business partners and was the youngest successful businessman in his country. "Why her?" Trevor asked.

"Because it's her. Who do you expect me to be with, Sofia? I can't, not in my entire life."

Trevor's face darkened. "Even though I'm not doing anything, I know what's happening out there. I won't allow a girl who begged to marry my second son while trying to fool around with my first son. She's a Ricafort, that's why I can't do anything to her, but I won't allow her to marry into this family even if your Mom says so. I've been praying that you find the girl you'll be willing to spend your life with." He paused and looked at Christopher seriously. "But I didn't expect it would going to be this way. You knew I would not approve if you dated someone who works for us."

Christopher gulped as he gritted his teeth. "Can't you just give her a chance? She's not what you think."

"How can you be so sure? You only met her a few months ago." His dad said in a deep and cold voice.

Christopher frowned. "I know her, Dad."

"Do whatever you like, but you must know you won't get my blessing."

Christopher pressed his lips into a thin line. "Consider it Dad, please."

Travis looked at his son in surprise. In the past, he couldn't hear Christopher saying please. But this time, he said it was just because of a girl. "I..." He paused when he saw his son's seriousness. "I'll think about it," He said, leaving Christopher alone in the garden.

On his way to his study room, he saw Kaylee and his wife hugging each other. He sighed. "She's always spoiling both Topher and Char." He said to himself.


After his father left, Christopher calmed himself and looked at the moon. This was the first time he talked to his father about this matter. For as long as he could remember, all they talked about was work-related.

When he got back inside, he saw Kaylee, his Mom, and Charlotte talking and laughing together. He smiled. His mom waved her hand to him when she saw him. "Come here."

Christopher walked toward them, kissed Kaylee on the forehead, and sat beside her. Chrisette and Charlotte smiled as they looked at the lovebirds before them.

"Are you planning on marrying her?" Chrisette asked.

Christopher looked at his Mom and slightly nodded. "Of course, but Mom, let us decide when." His Mom pouted.