The Dragon Princess Birthday Part 1

A couple of days after the hunt, was the Dragon Princess ninth birthday. It was a joyous occasion where the entire Dragon Realm wouldn't only celebrate the Dragon Princess birthday, but would also celebrate the Dragon Warrior's day.

The entire Dragon City was dressed up for the festivities as thousands of stalls were erected through all the city.

Dozens of parades were being held through all the city. As all the citizens enjoyed the food, booze and games. They were indeed having fun.

On the morning the Royal Dragon Family along with all the Dragon Elders, from Junior to Grand Elders; went to perform the religious rituals with all the citizens.

At the begging of the celebration the Dragon King talked to his subjects in the most inspiring speech they had ever heard before, then the head of the Heavenly Shrined Dragon Maids preceded the religious rituals to honor the Dragon God and the Dragon Warrior.

Later on, on the afternoon after the religious rituals; stalls were opened, while the nobility went to celebrate the Dragon Princess birthday on the inner chambers of the Dragon Palace.




Long Lao Er crossed through the outer palace as he could see the beautiful Dragon statues that were part of the Dragon Warrior's day decorations. Once he arrived to the inner palace gates, Long Lao Er could see that the inner palace had been decorated to honor the Dragon Princess birthday.

Long Lao Er was at the inner palace entrance, where 2 guards on the first level for the Foundation Establishment Realm were guarding the entrance. Long Lao Er approached the guards and handed his invitation.

With a mocking smile on their faces they said

"Hey kid, do you think you can fool us?, from whom did you stole the invitation?".

Long Lao Er frowned his eyebrows in anger and replied.

"I got it from the Dragon Princess herself."

"Jajaja", the guards laughed and said "Nice joke, there's no way the Dragon Princess would get close to a trash like you!, Now scram out."

Long Lao Er kept a calmed face after the guards response and took out a pill. Thinking that Long Lao Er wanted to buy his entrance the guards looked at the mysterious pill, not knowing which pill Long Lao Er had in his hands.

Long Lao Er crushed the pill and threw it to the guards, before smoke started coming out of the pill. In that instant, the guards went to sleep. Long Lao Er had used a common sleepy pill which was used on people with sleep problems.

Normally this cheap attack wouldn't work on a cultivator, who could use his Qi essence to prevent foreign substances to pollute their bodies, but the guards had dropped their guards and suffered this humiliation due to their incompetence.

Long Lao Er entered the inner palace, straight to the party.

The party's courtyard was arranged with dozens of gold like and red like dragons on Long Suanni's honor for her ninth birthday. The Dragon Palace Maids were attending all the guests as they serve the most delicious food in the entire Dragon Realm as well as some music entertainment.

The guests consisted mostly on unknown noble dragons as well as several elders and their families. Long Lao Er recognize several people, some of them consisted of the bullies he had beaten before along with their parents, he even saw Long ZhangLang who was fearfully looking at him as well as another youth whom he didn't recognize but seemed to be close to Long ZhangLang.

As Long Lao Er moved towards the center of the courtyard, Long Lao Er could see how the fearful expression in Long ZhangLang turn into a hateful look as he seemed to be whispering something to the other youth.

Long Lao Er saw his grandpa and some senior elders who were having a drink while singing like old drunks.

Finally he was face to face with the Dragon Princess and her parents.

The Dragon King was the most imposing cultivator he had ever seen, with his power at the tenth level of the Nascent Soul Realm, he was the most powerful cultivator in the entire Dragon Realm and maybe the whole world. Probably only the Grand Elders with their cultivation at the Nascent Soul Realm could scarcely compete with him. With golden short hair and golden eyes whom he had passed to his daughter; the Dragon King looked as handsome as powerful he was.

The Dragon King directed his vision towards Long Lao Er with certain hostility.

To the side of the Dragon King was the Dragon Queen who was at the eigh level of the Nascent Soul Realm.

Her sensual blue eyes and brownish eyebrows looked at Long Lao Er with curiosity. The Dragon Queen was indeed the most beautiful female in the whole Dragon Realm. With milky jade like skin with curves in all the right places and brownish hair all the way to her perky buttocks; made all females that looked at her felt inferior.

This Dragon Queen also had the biggest towering peaks Long Lao Er had ever seen before. This heavenly peaks that could get any man to heaven, were threatening to burst out of the top of her dress as Long Lao Er peeked at the most beautiful milky valley.

Long Lao Er got close to Long Suanni and said "Happy birthday Suanni".

Long Suanni who at this point had shown a bored face, finally showed the brightest smile she could show, as she had been waiting for this moment.

In the meantime everyone else but her parents showed a shocked expression. Normally no people but her parents would call the Dragon Princess by her name.

While many people just viewed Long Lao Er as a trash that shouldn't even be there, the Dragon Queen approached the young kid, hugged him, kiss him in his left cheek and said.

"You must be Suanni's best friend Long Lao Er, right?"

Not waiting for his confirmation, those sensual eyes who were looking at Long Lao Er went to look at her daughter and the Dragon Queen continued.

"My name is Long Fuxi, but you can call me Fuxi, aunt Fuxi or mother, any of those 3 is okay".

"That guy's name is Long Yazi, although he looks like he has a bad temper and loves fighting, he is a good guy, you can call my husband, uncle Yazi, or maybe father".

Long Yazi had an ugly stare that looked that he would kill Long Lao Er at any moment, thought he wouldn't do it for real.

For most people; that ugly stare made them feel afraid without even him having to use any intent to made other people fearful of him. Only Long Fuxi, his wife and Long Suanni, his daughter could see beyond his mask.

"Nice to meet you aunt and uncle, my name is Long Lao Er, I am Suanni's friend, it's nice to finally meet you" replied Long Lao Er.