The Dragon Princess gets kidnapped

It was the the news of the moment though all the Dragon Realm.

For many days, kids with Qi Condensation Realm levels 1 to 3 had been kidnapped and some days later the guards had found their dead bodies without their Dragon Core.

Before panic could spread; the Dragon King had mobilized the Dragon Army through the elders to stop these crimes, without much success so far as new kidnappings kept happening and coreless bodies were found every new day.

Long Suanni was mad as a cow, as Qi Condensation Realm of the seventh level, she couldn't overlook this incident so she decided to drag Long Lao Er who had achieved the sixth level of the Qi Condensation Realm to investigate with her.

Without permission, Long Suanni sneaked out and along with Long Lao Er went to Dragon Snake Town. This little town was the closest town to the Dragon City and was one of the few towns who hadn't suffered the kidnappings or had found bodies.

So far only towns close to the south boundaries of the Dragon Realm had suffered those incidents.

Covered in daoist robes, Long Lao Er and Suanni were patrolling the town looking for any sign of trouble.




A couple of kids younger than Long Lao Er and Suanni, and whose cultivation was much lower were playing with the ball.

Long Suanni was looking at them as she remembered the first time she met Long Lao Er and how since then they had become friends. Ever since they started playing with a ball. That's how their friendship had started, with A ball.

Although Long Suanni still looked cute and innocent, now that she was twelve years old, curves were starting to emerge everywhere. Her plains had slowly turned into small hills, her buttocks had gotten more firm as her golden hair now reached halfway to her back. Hey jade like skin looked smoother, while her golden eyes and thin brows showed a pure expression with no darkness in her heart.

Slowly Long Lao Er had started to look at Long Suanni, less as a friend and more like a woman. Thought he had yet to figure out that he had proposed to her, but he was close to figuring it out.




Five figures were approaching Dragon Snake Town. They have been coming from the southern borders of the Dragon Realm towards the center looking for more kids. Due to the increase of security on the southern towns, they were now forced to move their operation north.

This group had come from the human realm, they used an spatial manipulation treasure to poke a hole into the space of the Dragon Realm. Although they were weak rogue human cultivators at the Qi Condensation Realm of the fifth level; they have received help from the inside.

That help included the treasure to poke the hole and the interference in the protection array. As long as they pay handsomely to their insider; they could get and extract as many Dragon Cores as they wished.

Unlike Dragon Cultivators who had a Dragon Core that assisted them and accelerated their cultivation; human cultivators didn't posses cores but they could extract the Dragon Cores to directly absorb the refined Qi essence and increase their own cultivation.

Those rogue human cultivators were now inside Dragon Snake Town.

With the help of a hundred years bloody orchid they had to prepared a very common pill in the human realm that with allow them to hide their presence. Only Foundation Establishment Cultivators and above would be able to detect them and only as long as the cultivators were face to face with them; they wouldn't get detected, that's why they have been able to not be founded by guards who were only at the Qi Condensation Realm.

The rogue human cultivators approached the kids that were playing and started preparing the array they always used to kidnap. This array will made all kids drowsy and then they would be able to kidnap the kids.

But little did they expect for some one to see through their disguise. Unfortunately for them Long Lao Er had been using his monocle and that's how he had been able to see those guys when they taught that they were invisible to everyone.

The moment they approached, Long Lao Er had managed to smell the orchid essence and therefore made him use his monocle.

Many illusory Long Lao Er's presences appeared and took the kids away. While the last illusory presence of Long Lao Er unleashed the roar from his Ascending Dragon art, dispelling the camouflage properties of the orchid pill and making those rogue human cultivators visible.

Long Suanni became alarmed, when multiple Long Lao Er's appeared and went towards the kids, to take them away.

Just when her head was about to become a mess; the rogue human cultivators appeared, this calmed Long Suanni's mind and made her focus on the humans.

She knew that she had to buy some time until Long Lao Er could put away all the kids in safety.

Long Suanni circulated her Qi essence, visualize a dragon being born and unleashed her Supreme Ascending Rozan Dragon art on the rogue human cultivators. Those evildoers unleashed an array to protect themselves, but unfortunately for them the array didn't resist for long and broke. They were barely able to avoid Long Suanni's attack.

The rogue human cultivators were now freaked that they have been not only noticed but attacked also.

With their cultivation level just on the fifth level, alone they wouldn't be a match against a Qi Condensation Realm seventh level unless they play dirty. While one of the rogue human cultivators stayed to release their array, the other 4 cultivators went to attack Long Suanni.

The rogue human confronted Long Suanni with their best arts, but if you converted Long Suanni's cultivation level to human levels, she would be 20 levels above them, by just circulating her Qi essence Long Suanni could release her killing intent and paralyzed them.

Long Suanni was preparing to unleash again her Supreme Ascending Rozan Dragon art and kill those guys for real, but for some reason she had started to feel sleepy. Long Suanni hadn't noticed that the rogue human cultivators had liberated their array that they used on the kids to kidnap them.

Unless she was in the Qi Foundation Establishment Realm and above this array wouldn't affect her if she pay attention and circulated her Qi to dispel the effects, but because she was focused on her art, she had been affected.

The Dragon Princess had become the newest kidnapped victim.




Long Lao Er and the guards went back to the place where he had left Long Suanni, but she wasn't there.

They were all shocked that she had been kidnapped, once the junior elders arrived to scene they berated Long Lao Er for having failed to protect her.

So the junior elders went back to the Dragon Palace to inform everyone about the incident, they tried to arrest Long Lao Er so he would get punished, but before they could catch him multiple illusory Lao Er figures appeared and escaped from them.

Long Lao Er now had one mission, he had to find and rescue the Dragon Princess.