The Dragon Realm Tournament starts

The day of the tournament had finally arrived. The tournament that would select the next Dragon Warrior made everyone in Dragon City very excited.

The tournament which would be lasting 10 days would be celebrated on the Dragon Stadium. The streets through all the city were embellished, and hundreds of decorations proudly displayed the Dragon motive everywhere.

Over a dozen enormous golden dragon statues decorated the external part of the venue.

As thousand of lines surrounded the venue, people were eager to get into the stadium.

For this tournament it was expected that there would be around 4000 participants. The rules set up by the Dragon King stated that:

1. Participants most be between 12 and 20 years.

2. They most at least on the Qi Condensation Realm fifth level.

3. It's forbidden to kill your opponent.

4. Treasure weapons are forbidden to use, as well as any kind of pill during the competition.

5. The participants will be divided into 4 arenas, where the top 8 from each arena would come out from the preliminaries. Then the finalists will be put in a bracket where a single champion will emerge

6. A participant wins if his opponent admits defeat, his opponent gets knocked out of the arena or if his opponent becomes unconscious.




Outside of the estadium in the vicinities of the venue illegal gambling dens were running their business. According to the gambling houses, Long Qiong was the favorite as they expected that someone on his age and with a cultivation level on the tenth level of the Qi Condensation Realm would have no trouble winning the championship.

Opposite to Long Qiong's case, although gambling dens didn't expect that Long Lao Er would be last place, they expected that he wouldn't even pass the preliminaries. Of course that didn't matter to his thousands of followers, most of them being girls and the rest being kids who admired him. So those people were betting on Long Lao Er's becoming the champion.

In the venue on the backside of the Dragon Stadium was located the entrance for the judges and participants. For this preliminaries 4 junior elders were going to become the judges.

The junior elder's that would judge the preliminaries were the brothers Long Ming, Jing, Li and their little sister Yu Yan. Who despite being younger than his brothers by a couple of years, was far more powerful with her cultivation being on the eight level of the Qi Foundation Establishment Realm, while her brothers were one level below in the same realm.

A couple was walking into the locker rooms of the Dragon Stadium. They were Long Lao Er and Suanni.

In the past 6 months although he hadn't had a breakthrough, Long Lao Er who was still on the seventh level of the Qi Condensation Realm had learned so much from the Dragon Queen herself that although he hadn't had a breakthrough that didn't meant he was weak.

On the other side, Long Suanni who had been for 6 months in closed cultivation, had not only managed to reach the ninth level of the Qi Condensation Realm, but she had gotten brighter and more beautiful than she ever was as her figure had become a little more plumpy. Her hills had grown more and her bootocks had gotten perkier. And even though she still was 12 it didn't stopped all male participants to drool when they saw her.

Hand in hand, Long Lao Er and Suanni walked together towards the locker rooms. The good chemistry combined with pretty and bright smile from Long Suanni was making a lot of people jelous, especially the brothers Long ZhangLang and Qiong.

With an envious look, Long ZhangLang whispered to his brother.

"That bastard has dare to made a move on big brother's woman!"

With a cold face Long Qiong replied.

"ZhangLang, have you made the preparations I asked you?"

A wantonly smile appeared on Long ZhangLang and answered back.

"Yes brother. Our famous hero that all that blind girls and dumb kids love will make a fool of himself on the preliminaries, when our men kick him out."

Long Qiong smiled and said.

"Humiliation is not enough, since killing him would be to put him out of his misery, I want them to cripple Lao Er."

Yes, Long ZhangLang responded to his brother.